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Plague Zombies numbers


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‘Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists
Can't get any more clear than that. Zombies are Chaos Cultists, not Cultist Champions.

I still believe they still keep the champion call me stubborn but until I see it in the FAQ saying the champion is removed I won't let up as Nurgle demands his zombie champions so he can make them daemon princes just for a laugh.

To me when you make them zombies the whole unit gains fearless slow and purposeful as well as feel no pain after all read pg 95 at the bottom page of the codex where it has the stats for the Cultist and champion above that it classes them as "Chaos Cultists" and as such your quote plague zombies are chaos Cultists proves my point so basically I am right mostly (untill it gets re faqed)

Yay for me

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‘Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists
Can't get any more clear than that. Zombies are Chaos Cultists, not Cultist Champions.

I still believe they still keep the champion call me stubborn but until I see it in the FAQ saying the champion is removed I won't let up as Nurgle demands his zombie champions so he can make them daemon princes just for a laugh.

To me when you make them zombies the whole unit gains fearless slow and purposeful as well as feel no pain after all read pg 95 at the bottom page of the codex where it has the stats for the Cultist and champion above that it classes them as "Chaos Cultists" and as such your quote plague zombies are chaos Cultists proves my point so basically I am right mostly (untill it gets re faqed)

Yay for me

Actually no, not yay for you. Please, tell me where you find that Plague Zombies are Cultist Champions:


‘Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists that have the

Fearless, Feel No Pain and Slow and Purposeful special rules

and cannot purchase options other than to add additional

models to the unit.’


Go ahead. I'll wait.

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I don't have a big enough face or palm to adequately express the sheer amount of facepalm in this thread.

It would seem relatively straightforward with GW erring in the respect that they are assuming the average player to be of reasonable intelligence and having the mental tools to deduce what was actually intended.

It would seem logical that they did not mean you can only take a unit of 10 zombies.

No, zombie number 11 that's my pork pie! That's a bad zombie!


What is this 'logic' thing that you speak of? :P


Haha, yes that logic that they have now! I hear it goes quite well with reason :P

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Sorry for the wait slept in a bit

Didn't you read my post???

Pg 65 of the codex bottom of the page above where it has the stats for the Cultists and champion it clearly states the Cultists and champion are classified as Chaos Cultists. As such nominating them to be zombies affects the whole unit giving them the rules for zombies including the Cultist champion who keeps his champion of chaos rule becoming a zombie champion technically as it doesn't say anywhere in the faq that the Cultist champion is removed just "Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists" which makes me right since the Cultist and Champion are classified by the codex as Chaos Cultists.

Of course until they re FAQ it clearly mentioning what happens to the champion this will probably never end would've been easier if they made a new unit entry in the codex for them would stop all the arguments


On another note who would take zombies now and would they be better than normal Cultists I am thinking of taking some though having to take typhus is a bit annoying being the points he is though he pretty good for what he does what would be a good set up with typhus and plague zombies how much squads would be ideal and would putting typhus in one of the units be ok or just plain stupid

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Uh, I agree with you, teutonicavenger, but . . . holy run-on sentences Batman!


But yes, when it says 'chaos cultists turn into zombies' it means holistically, as in the whole unit, not that they all have the stats of chaos cultists.

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Uh, I agree with you, teutonicavenger, but . . . holy run-on sentences Batman!


But yes, when it says 'chaos cultists turn into zombies' it means holistically, as in the whole unit, not that they all have the stats of chaos cultists.


Yeah, I agree that it's still a point of contention because the Chaos Cultist entry includes the champion statline, therefore the cultist champion is a chaos cultist, just with a modified statline.


And yeah, that sentence was a bit of an eyebender...

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Would love to argue with Seahawk, just like when he insisted there was no reason for a Khorne Daemon Prince to be allowed to take the daemon axe, but I believe he is quite right on this account, and to argue with him here, would probably be equalent to seeking to "game" the rules into something you would personally like in my opinion.


Anyway, just think about it. I mean, how lame and illogical doesn`t a "zombie champion" sound? Quite, quite lame indeed, right? So let`s just leave it at that :D

There is no need, nor does it make sense (lol, zombie with 1 extra LD, hahahahaha!!!), for the zombies to have any sort of Über zombie anyway.


Anyway, cultist/zombie champs aside, zombie spam seems very, very viable ^^

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Big fat zombie, extra attack because he's more hungry.


Again, what is this 'logic' thing everyone is throwing around? We're talking about friggin zombies in outer space fighting genetically engineered super-soldiers because some guy died 10,000 years ago but is still in charge so you'd better be atheist or the Inquisition will audit your face.

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Big fat zombie, extra attack because he's more hungry.


Again, what is this 'logic' thing everyone is throwing around? We're talking about friggin zombies in outer space fighting genetically engineered super-soldiers because some guy died 10,000 years ago but is still in charge so you'd better be atheist or the Inquisition will audit your face.


Heh, I confess this is a valid point in itself, though maybe not exactly comparable :D


Never the less, I agree with Seahawk that the wording, in this case (unlike the Khorne axe prince issue), seems pretty solid.

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Big fat zombie, extra attack because he's more hungry.


Again, what is this 'logic' thing everyone is throwing around? We're talking about friggin zombies in outer space fighting genetically engineered super-soldiers because some guy died 10,000 years ago but is still in charge so you'd better be atheist or the Inquisition will audit your face.


Your statement is logically secure :)

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Under the logic being used to explain Cultist Champions (CC for short) as NOT being a Chaos Cultist (Cultist for short), a logical extension could be made with other units and rules that refer to them, with very silly results.


For example, if the CC is not a Cultist because he doesn't have the same name, then the lone surviving Chosen Champion, Berzerker Champion, Aspiring Sorcerer, Plague Champion, and Noise Champion of a decimated unit cease to be troop choices (and therefore scoring) because the rules that mad them troop choices refer to Chosen, Khorne Berserkers, Thousand Sons, Plague Marines and Noise Marines (respectively). However, each callout box for the unit's statlines identically matches the rules making them troops, down to the letter.


The CC falls into the same stat box as the Cultist, which refers to the entire subset as 'Chaos Cultists'.


Additionally, the rule for Plague Zombies says that 'Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists...'. I direct your attention to he plurarility of the reference to Cultists. Now, back to page 95, the callout box for the statline is called 'Chaos Cultists' (plural) and it contains stats for a Chaos Cultist (singular) and a Cultist Champion (singular). For an identical name match, the Plague Zombie rule MUST be referring to the call out box vice the individual statline (just like the cult marines becoming troops).

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One question- Who proof reads the rules for new codex's at GW?


Either they assume that people have common sense (MISTAKE)


Or they are worshipers of khorne trying to cause as much bloodshed as possible in every gaming group in the land :P

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Additionally, the rule for Plague Zombies says that 'Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists...'. I direct your attention to he plurarility of the reference to Cultists. Now, back to page 95, the callout box for the statline is called 'Chaos Cultists' (plural) and it contains stats for a Chaos Cultist (singular) and a Cultist Champion (singular). For an identical name match, the Plague Zombie rule MUST be referring to the call out box vice the individual statline (just the cult marines becoming troops).

This. I am converting up some gnarly zombie champions ASAP.


One question- Who proof reads the rules for new codex's at GW?

They proof read??? ;)

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New Chaos FAQ


Page 61 – Typhus, Plague Zombies

Change to ‘Plague Zombies are Chaos Cultists that have the

Fearless, Feel No Pain and Slow and Purposeful special rules

and cannot purchase options other than to add additional

models to the unit.’


I didn't see anyone else posting this, so if this is a double post, sorry.

That's all.

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