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The Warpsmith


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I've been thinking of a few uses for them, the favorite being to man a Quad Gun with BS5! If something near the bunker needs a repair job then he can hop out and help, if not, man the guns!


I think that like many things, it really just depends on the composition of your whole list, overall though for 110 points, he's really not bad imo.

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Ok, after one game with the Warpsmith:

1250 points

My opponent was Chaos Space Marines also.

My Warpsmith had a bodyguard of Terminators (with a hvy flamer) in their LR dedicated transport, rolled a +1 BS gift :) and had the Burning Brand.


I avoided my opponent's warlord whose gift of mutation came up Eternal Warrior, and ended up charging a unit of Plague Marines who were in cover.


The three templates on the charge caused a lot of hits, not quite so many wounds, and thanks to feel no pain, only one dead PM.

Then I rolled 1, 1, 4 to charge and had to just stand there.


Next turn, the PM's moved off to assault a vindicator I had driven past them. Also my Heavy Flamer terminator got lascannoned.


So, I moved my Warpsmith unit closer, fired a meltagun plus the Burning Brand, and managed to get several hits and kills on a CSM unit off to the side of the PM's without clipping my immobilized Vindicator.


Making the second charge stick, My Warpsmith managed to beat the (6T, thanks to his gift) PM champ in a challenge, and got the full heal or +1W boon. The Terminators shrugged off plague knives to power axe their way through the remainder of the squad.


Then, my opponent shot all of his back line and mid field guns at my Warpsmith and 3 Terminators, so they were wiped out by las cannons, plasma guns, a plasma cannon, a havoc launcher, and some bolters.


All in all, I think I wouldn't field a Warpsmith again unless I already had a Lord, and if the Warpsmith wasn't in the back supervising a Quad gun or the like, then an invul save is mandatory.

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minionboy beat me to it. he should be back camping with a havoc squad in an aegis, manning the gun with his bs 5, giving the havocs ld 10, using his armor to soak wounds for the havoks , providing a deterent for drop pod dreads, and preventing your opponent from getting slay the warlord... and of course reducing cover on that ruin your enemy is using as a firebase. if you run a forgefiend alongside you r havocs, he can jump out for repairs. he is a support character, not a frontline guy


if you want him forward, i suppose you could run him in a csm squad which is running alongside a mauker fiend, with these three units all supporting each other. he fixes imobilized results on the maulerfiend or meltas a dread that tries to come after the mauler fiend. meanewhile he and the infantry help screen the fiend from any tarpits that try to bog him down.


but i think the aegis camper is his best role.

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Ok, after one game with the Warpsmith:

1250 points

My opponent was Chaos Space Marines also.

My Warpsmith had a bodyguard of Terminators (with a hvy flamer) in their LR dedicated transport, rolled a +1 BS gift :P and had the Burning Brand.


I avoided my opponent's warlord whose gift of mutation came up Eternal Warrior, and ended up charging a unit of Plague Marines who were in cover.


The three templates on the charge caused a lot of hits, not quite so many wounds, and thanks to feel no pain, only one dead PM.

Then I rolled 1, 1, 4 to charge and had to just stand there.


Next turn, the PM's moved off to assault a vindicator I had driven past them. Also my Heavy Flamer terminator got lascannoned.


So, I moved my Warpsmith unit closer, fired a meltagun plus the Burning Brand, and managed to get several hits and kills on a CSM unit off to the side of the PM's without clipping my immobilized Vindicator.


Making the second charge stick, My Warpsmith managed to beat the (6T, thanks to his gift) PM champ in a challenge, and got the full heal or +1W boon. The Terminators shrugged off plague knives to power axe their way through the remainder of the squad.


Then, my opponent shot all of his back line and mid field guns at my Warpsmith and 3 Terminators, so they were wiped out by las cannons, plasma guns, a plasma cannon, a havoc launcher, and some bolters.


All in all, I think I wouldn't field a Warpsmith again unless I already had a Lord, and if the Warpsmith wasn't in the back supervising a Quad gun or the like, then an invul save is mandatory.



How did your Warpsmith, roll on the Chaos Boon table, at the start of the game?

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