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Which legion's warband should I go with?


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Ok I am gogin to start a new warband, I have an idea for a barbarian/feral theme. I want to go with a "known" legion, and I like the look of the WB and IW. I don't want my warband to be as zealous as the WB or as siege oriented as the IW. Meaning I will probably not use a lot of cultists and/or dark apostles or over load my force with heavy support.

Anyway, which one should I go with IW or WB? Can anyone tempt me one way or the other?

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Well if you like the look of a legion, but not the backround I'd do what Lord_Caerolion suggested...make an offshoot warband. I like the Alpha Legion fluff wise but not so much color scheme wise, so I'm making my warband an offshoot of the Alpha Legion.
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With Alpha Legion they don't even have to be an offshoot, just in disguise to sow confusion.


On the original question - to me Dark Apostles are pretty much the epitome of Word Bearers and so if you're not going to have your warband led by a Dark Apostle I wouldn't go Word Bearers. A feral warband would fit with Iron Warriors. A siege isn't just about heavy artillery, once you've blown a breach in the defences you have to get in there and dig out entrenched defenders up close. For this reason the Iron Warriors also have high quality assault troops. In Storm of Iron one of the captains succombs to the temptations of Khorne. A table top sized warband could easily represent an Iron Warriors assault company that has degenerated into barbaric butchers who specialise in hunting enemy forces through the ruins of fortifications and cities.

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Another option here is to run a Fallen Angel army. Even when they group up they are low in numbers. So you have the Dark Apostles running as your Dark Apostles, run cultists, helbrutes, Mutilators, Helldrakes, and any number of the other vehicles. Hell you could even toss in units from other warbands that have joined up with the Fallen Angel for loot and plunder. :tu:


One of the reasons I'm purchasing Dark Vengence is to get my hands on my Dark Angel models that I can pretty up and turn into Fallen Angels that I want to occasionally attach to my Iron Warriors.

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