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Brand of Skalathrax

Lord Asvaldir

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Anyone try the Brand of Skalathrax out yet? I think it has a lot of potential. Thinking of giving to a chaos lord with MoK and put him with some raptors or normal marines. As the brand has the torrent rule I think it could be pretty handy...also the best ranged weapon the lord has access to.
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Brand seems like a solid option with a myriad of quality platforms to fire it from. The key seems to be positioning, so put it on something with deep strike or fast movement - a winged prince, jump lord, deep striking terminator sorc, or even that nurgle biker lord everyone's so hot to trot over these days.
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I thought about taking it on a sorcerer but I think that would be wasted if you're taking a sorcerer with witchfire powers...if not though could be a great option for a sorcerer.


Exactly, if you are going for a BOOM Sorcerer it is a bad idea on him. If however you are going to roll up for buffs and debuffs it is a great choice.

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First CSM game tonight. I have brand on my CL. I think a sorc with brand is a total waste, espcially since once you take a mark you are going to be getting a god specific power. With a CL you got all that and a bag of chips. More wounds, equals more bang bang.


So what I have done is give my lord MoS, Noise marines are for real baby, a steed sigil, the Black Mace and a bunch of spawn to run with. I will be able to outflank with a reroll move onto the board 12 inches and drop that template on some fools gunline. I think this thing is gonna rock. The one thing is that it is not gonna hurt AV, but thats why I have 2 units of MoN oblits. With the amount of footslogging units I am seeing these days, this is the weapon to take. Ill let you know how it goes tonight. My league is VERY competitive. In fact the number 3 guy at NOVA this year is one of our guys.

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I was looking into it too. How is this build? Chaos Lord- Mark of Tzeentch. Sigil of Corruption, Disc, Burning Brand, Murder Sword, Gift of Mytation. 200 points, but fast ap 3 all around goodness.


That sounds pretty potent..


I was also thinking of maybe going for a Khorne Lord with Raptors. Gives the unit some firepower and supports them in CC.

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I was looking into it too. How is this build? Chaos Lord- Mark of Tzeentch. Sigil of Corruption, Disc, Burning Brand, Murder Sword, Gift of Mytation. 200 points, but fast ap 3 all around goodness.

I've been looking at something similar, though I hadn't considered the murder sword. Nice idea.

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Am I off the mark here, or are Artefacts 1 per army? like.. 1 choice from the artefacts section per army....


if that is the case, would any named character fill that requirement with their artefacts?


As I read it you can have multiple characters each with 1 artifact (as long as they have different artifacts from each otherO

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Jeez, does nobody read?? (how many times have I said that now...:))


"A model can replace one weapon with one of the following. Only one of each Chaos Artefact may be taken per army."




So, you can have 1 of each in the army...provided you had enough characters to each carry one...

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Aye, one artefact per character, and one of each artefact per army.


On the subject of the brand, I haven't used it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Seriously considering putting it on a jump pack or TDA lord for manuverability.

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So, looks like mine is Tzeentch, Sigil, Brand, Power Axe, Disc, and Gift of Mutation. Hunt the power armor stuff first and buff up. Can a jetbike join a cultist squad? I think he can, and he just gets limited movement. But with the new edition, I can't remember of the bat.


Flamer templates are my favorite. My army has Flamers of Tzeentch, Screamers of Tzeentch, Fateweaver (Breath of Chaos), Daemon Prince (Breath of Chaos), Chaos Lord with Brand, and Heldrake with Baleflamer. Bring on cover saves and power armor! :)

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I equipped my TDA lord with brand, sigil, mark of nurgle, grenades and a single claw. Result was awesome - more killing than even with Deathscreamer or Bloodfeeder in previous codex! Tough HQ that adds not only nice melee power, but also anti-MEQ shoothing, does damage on overwatch and has defensive grenades. I think that any fast-moving HQ can use it well - deep striking TDA, jump pack, bikers, steeds. Also, could be fantastic anti-horde weapon when combined with regular flamers. The weapon of my choise!
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More of a fluffly idea, but I'm thinking for an Iron Warrior Lord:

TDA, Chainfist, Brand, VotLW. The ultimate breach-taker, lord of the Forlorn Hope charge. Effective? Meh. Awesome looking? Yep.

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CSM 6th Ed. Codex page 69

Chaos artifacts

"Only one of each of the following artifacts may be chosen per army - there is only one of each of these items in the galaxy!"

So yes you can take as many as you want as long as you have points to spend and can model them. Who has two thumbs and is not wrong? This person.

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