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Force Sanguine

Chaplain Admetus

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So, figured I'd finally bite the bullet and upload some shots of my finished/mostly finished units. Most of these will be accompanying me down to the Throne of Skulls tournament next weekend, going for some added glory ;).

So, without further ado...:


Assault Squad 1 - Power Fist and Twin Flamers


Assault Squad 2 - Thunder Hammer and Twin Meltaguns. Librarian hiding in the background, and my 6 objective markers in the foreground


Devastator Squad - Quad Missile Launchers


Tactical Squad - Missile Launcher, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino


Storm Raven Gunship - Twin-linked Multi-melta, twin-linked Assault Cannon, 4 Bloodstrike Missiles


Sternguard Veteran Squad - Power Fist, Meltagun, 3 Combi-Meltas, Drop Pod


Overall army shot. Throne of Skulls? Bring it on! ;)

And a bonus shot or two...


Sanguinary Guard with Dante



Shiny Sword of Win - trophy that my Angels Sanguine have earned for repeated success in the field throughout 5th ed. Unfortunately not as epic as Mort's :P. I have sword-envy :(.

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Thanks for the replies, guys :).


@Brother Jorel: Caveat - you might not be able to replicate this exactly, as they're all done with the old citadel paints, so the new ones might not match up perfectly. The red recipe is surprisingly simple - Chaos Black undercoat, Mechrite Red basecoat, very thin, watered down coat of Blood Red (almost a wash), Devlan Mud wash. Leaves a very dark, rusty red, which is the look I was going for as I didn't really like the bright blood red when combined with the black. Some of the more recent models I skipped the Blood Red phase, as all it does is make the individual models slightly lighter. As an optional step 5, some of them are edge-highlighted with pure Blood Red - I did this to the vehicles but its not so obvious in the photos.


And for the sake of completeness: Black armour is black (duh) highlighted with Codex Grey; lenses are Iyanden Darksun; chest emblems etc are Shining Gold washed with Devlan Mud. Don't ask me how I did the librarian...that was a brief foray into blue a couple of years ago and I can't remember :P

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I'm the Iron Warriors player from last week, found your battle report. Cool stuff. :D


Nice to see my objective counters have inspired you to make your own, and that Rhino hatch on the Stormraven base looks suspiciously familiar... :P



Anyway, cool army, might be in Games Workshop later to try out the new Chaos codex if you want a game.

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Always good to see someone else doing Angels Sanguine. Out of curiosity, why did you go for the red helmets on your assault marines and vets rather than yellow/gold? I've seen GW paint the chapter either way but most folks seem to go for the same scheme as the parent chapter.
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Shiny Sword of Win - trophy that my Angels Sanguine have earned for repeated success in the field throughout 5th ed. Unfortunately not as epic as Mort's :D. I have sword-envy :).




If it makes you feel better, the one I had is a floating trophy!

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There's a story behind it... my Blood Angels tied for first in a 1500 point tournament my local GW had right at the start of 5th ed (more impressive than it sounds remembering this was the PDF dex at the time), and the names of both myself and the chaos player who tied for first are engraved on it. It was meant to go up on the wall but never did, and after taking outright first place in a 2k tournament in April this year, and tying for first again in a final 5th ed tournament the night before 6th ed got released, I just got told I could keep the thing :devil: .


@AGPO - I haven't changed the helmet colours because I always thought it looked a little silly (to me, anyway) other than the devastators with blue helmets, which worked ok with the pure red, but not really with the red/black. Didn't like the look of the yellow at all, and hated painting it.


And cheers to everyone else for the comments... if anyone's reading this and is planning on attending Throne of Skulls next weekend, feel free to wander over and say hi if you spot the army (or me...there's a possibility that there will be several idiots in kilts present...we might stand out if there are...)

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Great looking force! Are there any chances of some close-ups? I'd really like to see more of your characters and Assault squads from a shorter distance! Lovin' the AS colour scheme! :)

And good luck at the Throne of Skulls!


Ask and ye shall receive :). I've got snaps of the characters - can't get the assault squad as yet though (am wanting to paint squad markings on if I have time, and in addition to ToS this weekend I'm also moving down to Wales, so its getting a bit hectic) but if I have time I'll get some shots of them too.

So, here we have...


A group shot of all my sergeants - assault, stern, tactical, and assault (dev sarge isn't present because I don't actually have a model for him... duties are taken by a humble bolter marine)


Tactical sarge getting his own picture because he's awesome... its the ancient Blood Angels sergeant metal mini (not the recent games day one)


Sanguinary priest - was once Corbulo, rescued from a bitz box after he'd had his grail removed, head lopped off, and all the BA iconography filed away (heresy!) lovingly restored to take his place healing a Blood Angels army (and painted white to make it really freakin' obvious where the priest is, to try and cut down on opponents asking :P )


Librarian, all-plastic build made almost exclusively from the DC box with some added bling


Reclusiarch, hauled out of the case to participate in a photo shoot


And finally, moderately converted Dante for when I occasionally field him - really happy with his paint job, one of the best I've done (and I don't consider myself a great painter). The skull on his chest is one of the slightly raised ones from a Tomb Kings standard bearer which I filed off and used to replace the blood drop, there's two more on the jump pack. Would not recommend... was incredibly fiddly, and much wailing and gnashing of teeth ensued (there's 5 skulls per banner, I got through two banners before I got 3 usable skulls...)

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