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Sisters Repentia question


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This came up last weekend and I fgorgot to ask about it.


Basically my Repentia squad wanted to assault an enemy unit. I rolled for faith and passed the test. Delcaired the target, took 2 casualties as a result of overwatch and moved in. So the question is, do those two Overwatch casualties get their 1 attack from Spirit of the Martyr?


RAW: "This Act of Faith is used in the Assault phase. If successful, do not remove any models in the unit if they are killed before they have attacked. Instead, place them on their side. After all other models involved in the assault have made their attacks, any mortally injured model placed on its side gets to make a single attack. After these attacks have been made, any models on their side are removed as casualties."


I know this is a pre-6th codex and as such will not mention sub-phases, but ... does it sound reasonable that the two overwatch casualties would get their martyr attacks?

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Playing Devils Advocate, just after Overwatch you do not know if they would be able to attack, as you haven't rolled for charge distance yet. So you could argue that they don't get their attacks as Overwatch is separate in a way.


However, the wording does say Assault phase, so I'd be inclined to say that RAW, they get their Martyr attacks.

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