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Power Weapons and 6th Edition


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Hello all, long time lurker here. I took a little bit of a hiatus from 40k upon the advent of previous chaos codex. I was curious though. I intend on running a renegade focus army, most likely with slaanesh marked chaos marines. What do you think is the most efficient way to arm an aspiring champ with this edition/new codex?
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Personally, I enjoy Fists and Axes to kill any type of armored enemy. But if you want to take advantage of the Slaanesh Mark, I would recomend thr Power Sword and Melta Bomb combo so that your champs are geared for almost everything
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Because of the forced challenges, you're going to want to an I4 weapon (besides plague marines), so we can toss out axes and fists.

Maul is great if you don't fight a lot of basic marines, as its better than sword against most things including vehicles. Sword or claws will be default choice for most marine heavy gaming environments and works nicely with VotLW.

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Oooooh I didnt even think of Lightning Claws, those sound great happy.gif Just one with a pistol or would you guys go for the pair of badassery??


A pair isn't really worth it imo, too many points on a 1w model with no invulnerable save. MoK should give you plenty of attacks.

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Oooooh I didnt even think of Lightning Claws, those sound great happy.gif Just one with a pistol or would you guys go for the pair of badassery??


A pair isn't really worth it imo, too many points on a 1w model with no invulnerable save. MoK should give you plenty of attacks.



But on a Mark of Slaanesh Champ, it gives him an all but assured kill in a challenge with a SM sergeant; Hell, that one guy with VOTLW could probably eat your average Librarian's lunch without breaking a sweat, either. Which is one reason why I'm taking it.

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