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Chosen of Khorne


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So a bit of theory crafting with the new book. With Chosen now being two attacks base, and the ability to get both 5 special weapons and a power weapon onto the champ I've been considering what kind of potential they may have as a tank hunting unit with a bit of melee teeth. The real question comes down to would a squad of raptors do the job better due to not requiring a transport to provide mobility. So lets compare the two units when fully kitted out.


4xChosen+Chosen Champ


Lightning Claw

Mark of Khorne


Dirge Caster



4xRaptors+Raptor Champ


Lightning Claw

Combi-Melta(may as well trade the pistol for an extra melta shot)

Mark of Khorne



The main thing making the chosen more expensive is the need for a rhino and the extra meltas. Beyond that though they have an extra attack an a point better leadership when their champ goes down. In ideal situations they'll put out the same number of attacks on a charge due to the Raptors having hammer of wrath if they didn't use their jump pack in the movement phase. The chosen though will fair better in prolonged combats though. What it really comes down to though is the extra attack and ability to take more weapons outweighing the need of a rhino to get them into position. I'm leaning towards yes just because of the Rhinos ability to carry a Dirge caster helps out other assault units, and the Chosen don't mind spending a turn out in the open shooting as bad as Berserkers or even regular troops depending on where you disembarked them. Yes all our other vehicles can take Dirge Casters, but you usually care if your other vehicles get into melta range. Who cares if your rhino is in melta,range or that its going to get focused to get rid of the Dirge caster before your next assault phase. Those are shots not targeting far more threatening things.


Part of me wants to look at Chosen like IG vets, but a vet squad with three meltas in a chimera costs about the same as the raptor squad trading stat-line for twice the bodies.

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Yes, I like the idea to! I wouldn't go as far as adding 5 atm, I think 4 are enough and shave some points for a well costed unit + effect.


Rhino's are great for Chosen (even more!).


I personally will go for the 4x Plasmagun or 4x Meltagun.


A 8 man squad with MoK and 4 Meltaguns is quite Khornate though!




Also have plans for using Angron as a count as (Abaddon) adding buckets chosen for some good pre-heresy fun.



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