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Can your allies hq be your warlord?


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This is something that I haven't been able to find an answer to since 6th came out. If I take allies for a match and the allies hq has or is tied for the highest LD, can he have the warlord trait as opposed to the hq from the main contingent of my force?


The only specific info I could find is that it must have or be tied for the highest LD with no mention of ally hq's as warlord.


Sorry if this has been asked before but my google foo seems to be weak today

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i would say no to this.


think of it this way.


your army needs a little help and you ask me to bring some of my guys to help you out. i bring less dudes that you to the fight, but i take over all aspects of the battle and leave you diddly.


would you let me take over command of your army?

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I was going to say that, but I can't find a reference for it. What you've said is all conjecture and fluff etc, none of it is based in fact. In the rulebook, from what I can see, is that it says your army needs a Warlord who has the highest Ld. Allies are part of that army. It seems fine from where I'm standing at the moment.
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It looks like if your allied HQ has the highest Ld, you don't have a choice. I am not finding anything about it in the FAQ, either.


So ... yes.


That's what I was thinking. The reason I ask is because with the new chaos codex, many of the named hq's have predetermined warlord traits. While this clarifies what would happen should you take abaddon, Ahriman, etc to get their warlord trait as your allies hq (ahrimans master of deception is very appealing when allied of demons), this leads me to a new question.


What happens when you have 2 hq's with predetermined warlord traits? Do both go into effect, or do you choose which happens?

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It looks like if your allied HQ has the highest Ld, you don't have a choice. I am not finding anything about it in the FAQ, either.


So ... yes.


That's what I was thinking. The reason I ask is because with the new chaos codex, many of the named hq's have predetermined warlord traits. While this clarifies what would happen should you take abaddon, Ahriman, etc to get their warlord trait as your allies hq (ahrimans master of deception is very appealing when allied of demons), this leads me to a new question.


What happens when you have 2 hq's with predetermined warlord traits? Do both go into effect, or do you choose which happens?

You can only have one warlord no matter how many HQ or detachments you take. So the one warlord uses his trait and the runners up do not.

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The section on detachments in the rulebook mentions that the Warlord must be chosen from your primary detachment.


It later mentions that in a game with multiple detachments, the Warlord may come from either primary detachment.


So, no allied Warlords.


It appears you are correct sir. Pg 109 for anyone else interested.

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Cheers for the page reference there. I remembered reading something along those lines, but turned to page 111 (with all the rules about Warlords) and it wasn't there. Yet another sterling example of why GW should employ new rules writers.
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