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Land Raider Proteus in 6th


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Looking over the 6th edition codex it seems one of our biggest downfalls is deploying and moving our scoring units across the board with our only options being rhinos, landraiders and an unreliable warlord trait.


We can take the Proteus as an Elites choice and it has scout so it can outflank! ;)

It has a troop capacity of 8 which is perfect for our squad sizes of 7.

It can hinder enemy reserves!

It can also be made immune to melta for +20pts


Im thinking we outflank one of these babies inside the enemies deployment taking shots at the side armour of thier vehicles.

Next turn you unload the squad and begin harrasing them right at home :)


Its only drawbacks are it has no assault ramp and its missing the Twin-linked heavy bolter. I actually like this varient more than the original landraider as i find the role of the landraider to be confused - Should it be sitting still sniping vehicles? If its a tank hunter then what is the Twin-Linked heavy bolter for? Should it rush towards the enemy as fast as possible?


What do you guys think? Converting a standard landraider with plasticard would be easy.

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