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Best weapon for chaos lords

Lord Asvaldir

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So I'm thinking of taking a lord with terminator armor, MoK and the Brand of Skarathrax...wondering what CC weapon to take. Lightening claw is nice to reroll hits and not have I1, but on the other hand the increased stregth and AP from a power fist or axe is pretty good as well...can't decide which to go for. He will probaly go with a unit of terminators.
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5 chaos spawn.

Lord, juggernaut, mok, axe, sigil, gift of mutation, votlw

8-13 S6 ap2 i5 hits on the charge. Reroling hits against marines.


The spawn give him a 15 wound bodyguard that can moce as fast as he can.

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So I'm thinking of taking a lord with terminator armor, MoK and the Brand of Skarathrax...wondering what CC weapon to take. Lightening claw is nice to reroll hits and not have I1, but on the other hand the increased stregth and AP from a power fist or axe is pretty good as well...can't decide which to go for. He will probaly go with a unit of terminators.

You still have one more weapon you can drop right? Why not drop it for the Axe or Black Mace? Maybe even the Murder Sword since it's S6 and AP3 on normal and S x2 and AP1 when it meets the nominated Character.

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5 chaos spawn.

Lord, juggernaut, mok, axe, sigil, gift of mutation, votlw

8-13 S6 ap2 i5 hits on the charge. Reroling hits against marines.


The spawn give him a 15 wound bodyguard that can moce as fast as he can.


A mini Tide of Spawn. How very Chaos. I like it.

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So I'm thinking of taking a lord with terminator armor, MoK and the Brand of Skarathrax...wondering what CC weapon to take. Lightening claw is nice to reroll hits and not have I1, but on the other hand the increased stregth and AP from a power fist or axe is pretty good as well...can't decide which to go for. He will probaly go with a unit of terminators.

You still have one more weapon you can drop right? Why not drop it for the Axe or Black Mace? Maybe even the Murder Sword since it's S6 and AP3 on normal and S x2 and AP1 when it meets the nominated Character.


If you can take 2 chaos artifacts I'll deffinetly be taking the Axe or Black Mace..but some people are saying you can only have one artifact. Wording is a bit confusing.


"A model can replace one weapon with one of the following." P.91 Now I think that means only 1 artifact per character..but it could be interpreted as you can replace one weapon with one artifact, which would mean you can have 2 artifacts..


A tide of spawn may work well but I don't like the models so I'd never take that. Only time I will use a spawn is when I roll spawnhood on the boon table.

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If it said "only one weapon", I could see why. But everyone I've talked to so far agrees with me that since it is written "one weapon for one artifact", as long as you have a weapon to give up you can as many artifacts as you want. Scroll and Key excuded since they don't replace weapons.
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You can only have one. It is very clear. "A model can replace ONE weapon with ONE of the following.". If you compare to how all other wargear is worded there is no question (there really isnt if you just follow RAW, but looking at its wording compared to other sections should convince even the sticklers). I think that it would be worded more like the melee weapons section if they meant you to take two. Now if they did intend that then it will need to be FAQ because as written there is really only one way to interpret that.
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If you want TDA and the Brand, then use a Lightning Claw. It's the best way to maximise the value of his high number of attacks at higher than normal initiative.


Put him in a squad that can handle 2+ armour and/or has a champion to take on challenges. So, basically, put him with more termies.

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5 chaos spawn.

Lord, juggernaut, mok, axe, sigil, gift of mutation, votlw

8-13 S6 ap2 i5 hits on the charge. Reroling hits against marines.


The spawn give him a 15 wound bodyguard that can moce as fast as he can.


I like this! Been thinking along the same lines myself. Sadly I only own 3 spawns. I guess I could, if my opponent is nice, proxy two nurgling bases as spawns though.


If my opponent is not that nice (honestly, I think he will be though), I may run a cheap version with "only" 9 bodyguard wounds and a lord on a bike (love the juggernought idea, but I sadly own none of those, but I do have one unassembled bike some where.)

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So I'm thinking of taking a lord with terminator armor, MoK and the Brand of Skarathrax...wondering what CC weapon to take. Lightening claw is nice to reroll hits and not have I1, but on the other hand the increased stregth and AP from a power fist or axe is pretty good as well...can't decide which to go for. He will probaly go with a unit of terminators.

You still have one more weapon you can drop right? Why not drop it for the Axe or Black Mace? Maybe even the Murder Sword since it's S6 and AP3 on normal and S x2 and AP1 when it meets the nominated Character.


If you can take 2 chaos artifacts I'll deffinetly be taking the Axe or Black Mace..but some people are saying you can only have one artifact. Wording is a bit confusing.


"A model can replace one weapon with one of the following." P.91 Now I think that means only 1 artifact per character..but it could be interpreted as you can replace one weapon with one artifact, which would mean you can have 2 artifacts..


A tide of spawn may work well but I don't like the models so I'd never take that. Only time I will use a spawn is when I roll spawnhood on the boon table.


To lift some of that confusion, you may exchange one weapon with one artifact weapon (only ONE). However, there is no such limit with the few non-weapon artifacts (so you can have black mace and dimensional key etc.)

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Lord w/Blind Axe+bolt pistol, sigil, Mark of Khorne, VOTLW


Add Terminator armour or Juggernaut as desired. That guy will tear most enemy heroes apart with impunity, and he's especially brutal on Marine heroes (re-rolls when charging make up for lower WS). TDA is my recommendation, 2+ armour makes him a beast to deal with.

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I played only 3 games with new codex so far, and I absolutely love Brand of skalathrax and lightning claw for TDA Lord with mark of nurgle, blight grenades and sigil. Not a duelist, sure, but tough, flexible and with some great support abilities. I was thinking about daemon axe or murder sword, but equipping Lord for pure close combat seems too simple and boring. ;)
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