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New codex vs. Necrons : Advice needed ...


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Forgefiend! IDs wraiths(plasmahead perhaps to put some wounds on the lord accompanying them), fair chance of hitting fliers, nice range(out of range of gauss), good survivability...
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I would avoid getting anything with AV. Necrons will tear it apart. Long range weapons are similarly unreliable thanks to nightfighting.

Minigun is correct- closing as quickly as possible and taking advantage of their poor initiative in CC is critical.


Dark gods be with you if they are using flier spam.

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Spawns wouldn't be too bad. Maulerfiends actually might be nice as they'd probably close with the enemy before the Crons could shoot at it and their CC is pretty bad overall. Hellchicken is also a pretty decent option as well. Warptalons wouldn't be bad either as most Cron stuff is 3+. Basically most assault oriented units are optimal against Necrons.
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I don't know the lists, but Jes Goodwin took his Black Legion up against the Necrons earlier according to this article and got curbstomped hard. Several times, it seems. I haven't faced them yet in this edition nor with this Codex, but I have my own indecisions about how I'd go about dealing with them. I wish I knew what sort of list Jes took to get a better read on what he did/didn't bring. The picture at the bottom gives a couple of clues but not the whole story.
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Thank you for the advice so far ...


Main problems so far are the new fliers, barges, and arks.


Their weakness in CC I knew about, but would troops in rhinos be a good idea, or should I stick with the maulerfiends and raptors/warp talons?


Would oblitz be a better option, over havocs?


Thanks in advance.

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Well, you really need some anti air because most really good necron lists wil have 2+ fliers. Some will have more, but a lot will have 2-3. Unless you have a very specific army list then you cannot really ignore them. Flakk havocs are quite good here because they are only av 11, unlike those darned imperial fliers... Terrain an also be useful, and also Your helldake with flamer, because they are again only av11, and the flamer will eat immortals and warriors alike. Forge fiends also ave a lot of s8 shots.


CC is your friend, but getting lose could be hard, and also be wary of any counter assault it's that they have. I could be wraiths, or even praetorians/lychguard, but just be wary that you don't charge some tiny warrior squad, just to be obliterated by the wraith squad behind them. They are vulnerable to s8, so missile launchers ad forge finds are good.


You will also have to be able to deal with large amounts of av13 if he chooses to bring that. Melta, las cannons, mass S8. It is better to shoot with stuff that can one first, because then you will get rid of the shields, so your strength 7 and 6 stuff can deal with it.


Rhinos will be good, but so will anything that is fast, or can infiltrate , or basically get close without being obliterated by shooting.

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against scythwing even with an aegis and two havock units we are at a disadventage. it is just a better codex. not much we can do about it , unless you want to tailor , but those armies dont work well against other problem armies [sW/IG mainly] .
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