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Murder Sword


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I'm looking at using it in a similar fashion as the old Blissgiver. Put it on an I6 lord and go hunting for their most important HQ.

That said, the fact that it gives you nothing special against rank and file units holds me back.



So what's the board's feelings on this weapon?

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Ive been thinking about putting it on a prince so that all of his attacks in cc are ap3 as opposed to ap- unless smash is used. I figure its a way to upgrade his combat potential significantly at a moderate cost.
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Personally, it feels too much like a one trick pony. The time it takes to get to the target it's not improved (I would think the other player would do everything they could to bog the carrier down), and when/if you kill the target you lose most of the Daemon weapon's utility, but still get semi-paralyzed on a roll of a 1 if I'm not mistaken. With how robust everything else is, I really wish the Daemon Weapons list was a bit longer. I keep being drawn back to the Mace for my Lord and the Brand for my Sorcerer.
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Unless you were facing an army with a very good CC character, or an army that depended on one HQ unit, I wouldn't take it. As Subtle Discord said it's too much of a one trick pony. And if you are going to take it the lord needs to be fast so his target doesn't just run away...so I'd give him a deamonic steed, bike or jump pack.
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Murder sword isnt a daemon weapon. You dont get d6 attacks or ws1 on a roll of 1.


But seriously, surely upgrading a daemon prince to ap3 with all of his attacks is worth it?

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Murder sword isnt a daemon weapon. You dont get d6 attacks or ws1 on a roll of 1.


But seriously, surely upgrading a daemon prince to ap3 with all of his attacks is worth it?



Why would daemon prince do ap3 attacks with sword? I thought monsterous creatures do AP2 attacks regardless of the weapons they are holding?

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Ive been thinking about putting it on a prince so that all of his attacks in cc are ap3 as opposed to ap- unless smash is used. I figure its a way to upgrade his combat potential significantly at a moderate cost.


Reread Smash man...ALL MELEE ATTACKS ARE AP2 :no:

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Murder sword is an amusing gimmick, but shelling out a heap of points for a power sword that gets a set of buffs against one enemy model seems like really bad economy. If it was a daemon weapon, or did anything else, sure, but as it is, it's just an expensive power sword with the exception of one challenge per game.
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Ive been thinking about putting it on a prince so that all of his attacks in cc are ap3 as opposed to ap- unless smash is used. I figure its a way to upgrade his combat potential significantly at a moderate cost.


Reread Smash man...ALL MELEE ATTACKS ARE AP2 :(


Yes. But you half you number of attacks to get it. Making him little better than a champion. With an ap3 sword he gets his max number of attacks at ap3 atleast instead of ap-

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Personally, it feels too much like a one trick pony. The time it takes to get to the target it's not improved (I would think the other player would do everything they could to bog the carrier down), and when/if you kill the target you lose most of the Daemon weapon's utility, but still get semi-paralyzed on a roll of a 1 if I'm not mistaken. With how robust everything else is, I really wish the Daemon Weapons list was a bit longer. I keep being drawn back to the Mace for my Lord and the Brand for my Sorcerer.


I doubled checked and its not a daemon weapon, for both good and bad.


Murder sword is an amusing gimmick, but shelling out a heap of points for a power sword that gets a set of buffs against one enemy model seems like really bad economy. If it was a daemon weapon, or did anything else, sure, but as it is, it's just an expensive power sword with the exception of one challenge per game.

Yeah, thats pretty much my feeling going into this. I was hoping for some magical insight about an aspect of it that I'd missed but I'm not seeing it.

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Yes. But you half you number of attacks to get it. Making him little better than a champion. With an ap3 sword he gets his max number of attacks at ap3 atleast instead of ap-


Incorrect. All of a model's attack with the smash special rule are always AP2. The double strength part is in addition to this.

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Murder sword is an amusing gimmick, but shelling out a heap of points for a power sword that gets a set of buffs against one enemy model seems like really bad economy. If it was a daemon weapon, or did anything else, sure, but as it is, it's just an expensive power sword with the exception of one challenge per game.


Sure helps if that one model is one of the known bad asses of the game. Calgar, Draigo, Mephiston, Abbadon, ect ect.


Ive been thinking about putting it on a prince so that all of his attacks in cc are ap3 as opposed to ap- unless smash is used. I figure its a way to upgrade his combat potential significantly at a moderate cost.


Reread Smash man...ALL MELEE ATTACKS ARE AP2 :(


Yes. But you half you number of attacks to get it. Making him little better than a champion. With an ap3 sword he gets his max number of attacks at ap3 atleast instead of ap-


As others have said, it is two separate entries, one for the AP 2 and one for the x2 str. All of your CC attacks are AP2 no matter what you are wielding (unless it is an AP1 weapon).


The Murder Sword is worthless on the Prince I think, probably best on a Lord if anywhere. The Prince just begs for that Mace ;)

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Really, though, on a badass Chaos Lord with Hatred going up against basic space marines most of the time do you really need better than an AP3 power sword? You really only need the boosted stats against that one badass you name as your victim at the start of the game.


Unless you're facing a Terminator army. Then you're kindof screwed.

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It's a real particular gimmick but, it can be really nasty when you give it to a chaos lord in a suicide squad and send him towards the nearest character.


Say bye bye to Marneus Calgar.


But my guess is that the dead HQ's retinue will probably end up smashing your poor lord into the ground after you kill their leading man.

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In my opinion it's pretty cool fluffwise but for competitive/ruleswise....its pretty much useless. Your opponent will know who your sword is targeting and unless its a really superbadass character he's going to do everything in his power to keep that model away from your murder sword. So in other words its just an expensive power sword.
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It's a real particular gimmick but, it can be really nasty when you give it to a chaos lord in a suicide squad and send him towards the nearest character.


Say bye bye to Marneus Calgar.


But my guess is that the dead HQ's retinue will probably end up smashing your poor lord into the ground after you kill their leading man.


I'll just take a page from the Iron Warriors, and shell the hell out of Marneus, thank you very much. All the glory in the warp will get you nothing if you're dead.

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What if the target has eternal warrior? Then you only do 1 wound and not outright kill them?


You won't get the ID benefit, no, but you're still landing a load of S8 AP1 attacks (five on the charge, six if you're Khorne-marked -- but honestly, you should have the Axe of Blind Fury at that point).



More guns and sustained firepower is the solution to everything.


Amen to that!


Step One: Reload.

Step Two: ???

Step Three: Profit!

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1. you have to be in melee to use it (duh)

2. the character that wields it has to be in melee against the character it works against.

3. it only works against one target and that target has to be a character.

4. It is not even a guaranteed kill against said character.


Too situational, too gimmick'y, too specialized.

I think I'll pass.



My 2 Kraks

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Well I agree with most of you... the sword is not worth it. Now if it overode Eternal Warrior... and it should... then perhaps... yes. I think it'd be a good choice. I mean, I dont have the codex in front of me, but isnt this weapon the same one that felled Horus? It should override EW.
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