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Murder Sword


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Just want to point out that the wording is as long as you're in base contact with the nominated model the weapon becomes StrengthX2 and AP1 + Instant Death. It doesn't state that you must be in a challenge, only in base contact. Should be fairly easy to set up a situation where your retinue's Champ takes the Challenge and your Lord/Whoever has the Sword cuts the enemy Character's men to ribbons.


Des Lorder Draigo surrounds by der Paladeeens? Smack smack smack. And all the paladins are dead. Calgar/Chaptermaster with Honor Guard? Same story, your Lord will be surrounded by a pile of dead bodies before they can even try to hit back.


The other note on it is that it can be any character in the opponent's army, so you could tag a Tac Sgt or the Sgt in his Hammernator squad. Gives it that little bit of flexibility over just being able to target the enemy Warlord/HQ. At worst it's a Power Sword at best you'll be wiping the Assault before they can do anything. I'd imagine a Slaanesh lord in a unit with the FnP banner would be particularly effective.

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Yes, it can be any character (even in reserves), but you still need to nominate a single character at the beginning of the match and tell your opponent, and there's nothing saying you're aloud to switch. Too much of a situational gimmick for the points in my opinion, but to each their own. I'm sure when it does get to work as intended it's a very bad day for the target, but there's all that time before and after that it's just a glorified Power Sword. I'd rather pay more for the Mace, with it's ID and 'wave of death' all the time, personally.
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Just want to point out that the wording is as long as you're in base contact with the nominated model the weapon becomes StrengthX2 and AP1 + Instant Death. It doesn't state that you must be in a challenge, only in base contact. Should be fairly easy to set up a situation where your retinue's Champ takes the Challenge and your Lord/Whoever has the Sword cuts the enemy Character's men to ribbons.

If the named character is in a challenge, he does not count as being in contact with your guy with the murdersword.


Step One: Reload.

Step Two: ???

Step Three: Profit!


Step Two: Fire?

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