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Black Mace question


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So the Black Mace is AP4, Fleshbane, plus its special rule of "no saves allowed after a failed test" plus the AoE after the fight. Kewl.


Daemon Prince has a decent statline and such. And is a monstrous creature which means it has OTHER special rules such as Smash. Correct?


Smash = AP2 attacks. Correct?


The Daemon Prince can buy the Black Mace and use it. Correct?


So does the Black Mace now hit with AP2?


On the charge a DoK does 6x* S7 AP2 hits that wound on 2+, that outright kill anything that fails a toughness test after suffering a wound?


Well....that is fun. :D




*plus more if the Daemon weapon test is passed?

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So the Black Mace is AP4, Fleshbane, plus its special rule of "no saves allowed after a failed test" plus the AoE after the fight. Kewl.


Daemon Prince has a decent statline and such. And is a monstrous creature which means it has OTHER special rules such as Smash. Correct?


Smash = AP2 attacks. Correct?


The Daemon Prince can buy the Black Mace and use it. Correct?


So does the Black Mace now hit with AP2?


On the charge a DoK does 6x* S7 AP2 hits that wound on 2+, that outright kill anything that fails a toughness test after suffering a wound?


Well....that is fun. :D




*plus more if the Daemon weapon test is passed?




You're correct (it seems to have passed by alot of people!). Also, from the wording of the Black Mace it's a toughness test PER WOUND, not just if you're wounded. Which is amazing!


It also seems you can give Daemon Princes Gift of Mutation.... gave it to my Prince for a test run:


Yesterday, in one game, he got Mutiple Gifts then rolled the ''+1 Armour and +1T'' gifts.


He is a Daemon of Tzeentch, so had a 2+ save (re-rolling 1's thanks to being Tzeentch) a 5++ T6 and with the Black Mace he has 5+D6 attacks, wounding on 2's at AP2 (thanks to the 'Passive' benefit of smash).


He took out Mephiston (without making him take a toughness test, just caused 6 wounds outright! I love hatred), 2 Vindicators and an assault squad and finished with 3 wounds left :P


Literally couldn't believe it.


Gift meant I was immune to being Insta-killed by S10 hits and anything AP3-6 was completely usless against him.


That was my very first outing with the new dex and obviously I got pretty lucky buffs, but I'm always going to spend my last 10 points on Gift.


Won my second game as well against codex marines (gift was plus 1 BS... swings and roundabouts :P ) - Daemon Prince was still amazing, cut through a tactical squad, a termie assault squad and a Dread.


Which brings me to a query - how does a Daemon Weapon work in regards to doing double Strength smash attacks? We couldn't decide, so I didn't take any bonus attacks (save +1 for charging) - still one gibbed the dread before it could strike... but the idea of 6 S10 attacks at I8 is kind of hilarious.

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So the Black Mace is AP4, Fleshbane, plus its special rule of "no saves allowed after a failed test" plus the AoE after the fight. Kewl.


Daemon Prince has a decent statline and such. And is a monstrous creature which means it has OTHER special rules such as Smash. Correct?


Smash = AP2 attacks. Correct?


The Daemon Prince can buy the Black Mace and use it. Correct?


So does the Black Mace now hit with AP2?


On the charge a DoK does 6x* S7 AP2 hits that wound on 2+, that outright kill anything that fails a toughness test after suffering a wound?


Well....that is fun. :)




*plus more if the Daemon weapon test is passed?




You're correct (it seems to have passed by alot of people!). Also, from the wording of the Black Mace it's a toughness test PER WOUND, not just if you're wounded. Which is amazing!


It also seems you can give Daemon Princes Gift of Mutation.... gave it to my Prince for a test run:


Yesterday, in one game, he got Mutiple Gifts then rolled the ''+1 Armour and +1T'' gifts.


He is a Daemon of Tzeentch, so had a 2+ save (re-rolling 1's thanks to being Tzeentch) a 4++ T6 and with the Black Mace he has 5+D6 attacks, wounding on 2's at AP2 (thanks to the 'Passive' benefit of smash).


He took out Mephiston (without making him take a toughness test, just caused 6 wounds outright! I love hatred), 2 Vindicators and an assault squad and finished with 3 wounds left :)


Literally couldn't believe it.


Gift meant I was immune to being Insta-killed by S10 hits and anything AP3-6 was completely usless against him.


That was my very first outing with the new dex and obviously I got pretty lucky buffs, but I'm always going to spend my last 10 points on Gift.


Won my second game as well against codex marines (gift was plus 1 BS... swings and roundabouts :P ) - Daemon Prince was still amazing, cut through a tactical squad, a termie assault squad and a Dread.


Which brings me to a query - how does a Daemon Weapon work in regards to doing double Strength smash attacks? We couldn't decide, so I didn't take any bonus attacks (save +1 for charging) - still one gibbed the dread before it could strike... but the idea of 6 S10 attacks at I8 is kind of hilarious.



You half your attack profile, then the rest get added on to whatever is left.


5 attacks is cut to 3 then + d6, charge, off-hand ect ect.

Same thing with abilities that swing in the opposite direction like a Power Fist, you double your profile str then add in furious charge, gifts, ect ect.

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Which brings me to a query - how does a Daemon Weapon work in regards to doing double Strength smash attacks? We couldn't decide, so I didn't take any bonus attacks (save +1 for charging) - still one gibbed the dread before it could strike... but the idea of 6 S10 attacks at I8 is kind of hilarious.


Described in the rulebook, you halve your base attacks, then double base strength, then add charging and cc weapon bonuses, then daemon weapon bonus attacks and S.

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Which brings me to a query - how does a Daemon Weapon work in regards to doing double Strength smash attacks? We couldn't decide, so I didn't take any bonus attacks (save +1 for charging) - still one gibbed the dread before it could strike... but the idea of 6 S10 attacks at I8 is kind of hilarious.


Described in the rulebook, you halve your base attacks, then double base strength, then add charging and cc weapon bonuses, then daemon weapon bonus attacks and S.


Wrong...Smash gives you AP2 for all attacks. You only halve your attacks when you are doubling your strength.

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Which brings me to a query - how does a Daemon Weapon work in regards to doing double Strength smash attacks? We couldn't decide, so I didn't take any bonus attacks (save +1 for charging) - still one gibbed the dread before it could strike... but the idea of 6 S10 attacks at I8 is kind of hilarious.


Described in the rulebook, you halve your base attacks, then double base strength, then add charging and cc weapon bonuses, then daemon weapon bonus attacks and S.


Wrong...Smash gives you AP2 for all attacks. You only halve your attacks when you are doubling your strength.

Reading is FUN-damental!

And that doubling of strength is exactly what the question was about. AP2 for all attacks has already been covered.

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Which brings me to a query - how does a Daemon Weapon work in regards to doing double Strength smash attacks? We couldn't decide, so I didn't take any bonus attacks (save +1 for charging) - still one gibbed the dread before it could strike... but the idea of 6 S10 attacks at I8 is kind of hilarious.


Described in the rulebook, you halve your base attacks, then double base strength, then add charging and cc weapon bonuses, then daemon weapon bonus attacks and S.


That's what we thought, but I just felt abit wrong having 10 S10 attacks...


Four was sufficient as it turns out. :P

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It looks awesome now, but there's so little in this book that's actually awesome that I have to wonder if the combination of black mace & daemon prince is a mistake that will get killed via errata. I'm half expecting a change to the smash rules that makes it its own weapon, and monsters will be able to either use their smash rules or use the properties of an equipped weapon, but not both, leaving mace princes with AP4.
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It looks awesome now, but there's so little in this book that's actually awesome that I have to wonder if the combination of black mace & daemon prince is a mistake that will get killed via errata. I'm half expecting a change to the smash rules that makes it its own weapon, and monsters will be able to either use their smash rules or use the properties of an equipped weapon, but not both, leaving mace princes with AP4.




I don't think so (you never know...) but I genuinely feel it was intended.


To be fair, currently, a Prince wielding a stick with nails in is AP2.


:tu: I'm certainly going to enjoy it.

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I just noticed this in the FAQ:

Q: The rulebook says that you halve your Attacks characteristic if

you perform a Smash attack. However, if a Monstrous Creature has

an uneven number of Attacks, (3 for example), but has charged that

turn, does it receive the bonus Attack for charging before or after

halving its Attacks? (p42)

A: You halve the model’s Attacks characteristic first, then

apply any additional modifiers. In the example above, the

model would halve its Attacks first (rounding up to 2), then

receive a bonus Attack for charging.


I thought you totted up all the attacks and then halved them, but it looks like that's not the case.


So say for example I roll a 6 for the Daemon Weapon, does that mean he gets 3 attacks basic (half of 5), then you add 1 for charging, 1 for having a 2nd CCW, and then 6 for the Mace, so 11 total? That's some tasty beans right there.

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This has been discussed a few times in previous threads, though I dont think it has had its own thread.


You half your profile attacks, then add in everything extra, that gives you your attack total.

Same idea with power fists or weapons that x2 str. You double your profile, add in all bonuses and that equals your new str for those attacks.


So say for example I roll a 6 for the Daemon Weapon, does that mean he gets 3 attacks basic (half of 5), then you add 1 for charging, 1 for having a 2nd CCW, and then 6 for the Mace, so 11 total? That's some tasty beans right there.


That is EXACTLY how it works :P Makes for a CC manimal!

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A DP can get up to 12 on the charge, 11 normally. 10-9 if you're smashing, I guess.


Last night I had a Tzeentch DP Sauron-smash his way through two paladin squads, a Callidus assassin, and a terminator squad, and the only wound he took was from overwatch.


Rerolling those 1's to save was so awesome, and he's a super smash bro now!

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A DP can get up to 12 on the charge, 11 normally. 10-9 if you're smashing, I guess.


Last night I had a Tzeentch DP Sauron-smash his way through two paladin squads, a Callidus assassin, and a terminator squad, and the only wound he took was from overwatch.


Rerolling those 1's to save was so awesome, and he's a super smash bro now!


LMAO friggin sweet!

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A DP can get up to 12 on the charge, 11 normally. 10-9 if you're smashing, I guess.


The answer was in regards to Jonah’s question about smash attacks, it was a separate thread that was copy and pasted into this one about smash attacks with the black mace.

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A DP can get up to 12 on the charge, 11 normally. 10-9 if you're smashing, I guess.


Last night I had a Tzeentch DP Sauron-smash his way through two paladin squads, a Callidus assassin, and a terminator squad, and the only wound he took was from overwatch.


Rerolling those 1's to save was so awesome, and he's a super smash bro now!


Seahawk - haha, Sauron-Smash is exactly what I thought of too when battering through Mephi and the terminators. I absolutely love the 'Re-roll 1s' too - after carving through the squad, I was hit by a vindi - failed my 5++ (surprise!) by rolling a 1... re-rolled that 1 and it came up a 6 *evil grin* dead vindi next turn.

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Yes, but you dont have a 2nd CCW as that section of the wargear replaces your bone stock CCW when you purchase the Black Mace. Daemon prince only has one CCW, So 10 attacks, still uber as can be.


Ah ty, you saved me from cheating my friends!

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So I was wondering about this, if a DP were to charge into a unit with one wound how does that work? Just nothing happens since they would die automatically?


The rest of the rule would still very much be in effect (i.e. the everyone within 3" that has not taken a wound from the black mace, must take a toughness test or die)

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