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I'm looking to field a 10 Man squad in my Daemons army for allies. Their job is to man the defense line comm relay and shot at things, then head towards an objective. So I'm fielding them as 10 bodies, just bolters, heavy bolter, with the champ having power sword and gift of mutation. 175 points.
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I'm trying out a 'jack of all trades' build that still tries to scrimp on points where it can.


10 bodies, vets of the long war, champ has a power sword, two special weapons with additional close combat weapon, four bolter bodies, three BP/CCWep bodies. 169 points, plus cost of specials, & maybe a rhino. Generally ends up in the 200 to 220 range, depending on whether they're foot slogging with plasma or riding a rhino with flamers or melters. With five bolters & two specials they should have enough firepower to be useful while holding an objective, and with five BP/CCW guys & the champion, a few extra bolter buddy attacks, and hatred against marines, they should have enough melee to have an edge on other core troops. The mix lets them go from one to the other, helping shake an enemy from an objective with a charge, then squatting on it. If there are extra points left over at the end, then they can pick up boon on the champ or a couple extra supergrit upgrades as filler.


Or at least that's the theory. We'll see how it plays out on the table. If the leadership boost from vets isn't enough than I might have to get an expensive icon, and if the melee abilities of the squad aren't enough then I might have to upgrade the rest to supergrit, and at that point they're getting maybe more expensive than I want them to be, and I might have to consider dropping them for more cultists to afford options from other sections of the book.

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I've been running either, two 10 man squads one with dual flamers, other dual meltas, both with powermaul champs for 1000 pt games, or three 10 man units, two flamer units 1 plasma unit.

The power of two specials is still the better choice, as far as Ive seen, snap shots still doesn't make me wanna take Heavy weapons.


Both running in Rhinos with a big chunky biker screen gunning it first turn for the enemy line, even the most level headed players gonna get distracted by that.


The marines also have either Khorne mark and Icon, for the flamers, or Slaanesh mark and Icon for the plas, in the 1000 pt game just take Vengence for whole army fearless.


Vets cause it's so damn fluffy it tickles.


At the end of the day it all matters how you use them, Ive had people argue that bolters a better cause of statistics, others that extra attacks trumps the 4s to hit, one even said he takes CCW cause what happens if he charges bolters he can't shoot with them.


I prefer the image of them advancing Pistols and Chainswords in hand before Roaring and charging.


ALSO can people stop comparing Chaos Marines to Loyalists, we aren't them and never gonna be them, you want the stuff in there book then use that codex, just use the Chaos range if you like the fluff so much.

ATSKNF is for prissy pants smurfs.

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With Challenges, how important is it to arm Champions with Power Weapons? I'm knitting mine for range/objective holding. Would 10 Bolters, Heavy Bolter, and Gift on the champion be a descent objective grabber?


For a shooting squad, I'd rather take a power weapon over gift.


In a vacuum, I'd probably give the shooting squad a power weapon, however if you have a good deal of aggressive squads that will be on intercept duty and the shooting squad will be in the backfield fairly safe, you could easily not spend the points for it.

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Since largely abandoning and reclaiming all my Khorne beserkers (*sigh* but that's why I didn't commit to making an all assault army), I have a couple of squads with Bolt Pistols and Close Combat weapons. I really like combat shields (the bit) and I've been thinking about modeling one of these squads as a Retribution Squad for my Red Corsairs, giving them a Mark of Tzeentch (6+ invulnerable save) to represent the Combat Sheilds. I may even take *GASP* Plasma pistols in it. 45 points of suck (Ok, 60 counting the mark of tzeentch).


I don't think it'll do much, but it will look cool and fits in with the Astral Claws past.


I primarily run units with 10 guys, Vetted Marked (Khorne or Slanesh depending) and CCW'd with 2 plasmas or Meltas. I just like the utility they offer. I guess I could go with "barebone chaos tacticals/Ground assaults" but I like having comparable options to Space Wolves.

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With Challenges, how important is it to arm Champions with Power Weapons? I'm knitting mine for range/objective holding. Would 10 Bolters, Heavy Bolter, and Gift on the champion be a descent objective grabber?


You actually don't need to be in a challenge to get a boon roll, just as long as it's a character, if you wanna keep cheap hope to roll for +1 bs and allocate any precisions on the Characters in the unit your shooting at, an since lady luck is a witch spelt with a b, your'll notice that it actually adds up.

Plus no risk of losing champ to a challenge against a bloody MC.

What buttmunch take the swarmlord in a 500 pt army

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