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Thousand sons modelling


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Just out of curiosity, do thousand sons have to be given the daft looking helmets? The reason is ask is 2 fold:


1: If I paint normal chaos marines red and gold, I can call them khorne berzerkers, can I paint them blue and gold and call them TS's?


2: I, falt out , refuse to pay for a squad of marines, then pay extra for the TS upgrade pack. It weighs in at about £40 for a single squad.


Now, this may seem like I've answered my own question however, any marine can become a noise marine, berzerker or a plague marine but ONLY the Thousand sons can be Thousand sons.

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Well, Pre-heresy artwork shows few 1kSons with the helmet crests, a lot with normal Pre-HH helms (or those but with smaller crests/decoration) so I'd say you can get away with FW early-mark armour painted up as Rubrics. In fact they'd look great...and be pretty unique.
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I've kinda given up putting the crests on the terminators, even after risking the finecast kit :D Decided to use them for thousand son havoks, standard bearers, extra rubrics using spares and such rather then cut up the one in ten finecast I got that was equal to the old metals.
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Im thinking of doing counts as sorceror squads using dark angely robes and such. they will be in the same colour scheme as my own war band. that way i can have thousand sons but they fit in with my army. if i can do that im sure you can have blue and marines as yours.
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I started collecting TS when the only TS model was the Jes Metal one, and mail order only.


Blue and gold marines with the legion symbol and led by a sorceror will be enough.


If you fancy, you can sculpt TS headcrests pretty simply with the horned heads from the regular CSM box and some green stuff.

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TELL ME!!!!!!!! Bet after all the time I've spent and failed on making crests for my terminators, it's a really simple and effective way, as it is it's either that, leave crestless or chop up the finecast set I got which Is one of the best finecast sets I have ever got.
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At what point did they start wearing those huge egyptian hats, anyway? Is there a fluff reason for it? From the artwork in collected visions it seems they used pretty standard legion armour for the most part, just adorned with egyptian symbols.


I love the crests and I think they're extremely iconic, but they certainly aren't essential.

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At what point did they start wearing those huge egyptian hats, anyway? Is there a fluff reason for it? From the artwork in collected visions it seems they used pretty standard legion armour for the most part, just adorned with egyptian symbols.


I love the crests and I think they're extremely iconic, but they certainly aren't essential.


The First thousand sons model did have the huge egyptian hat... the 3rd edition book didn't... So, I run the ones i made back when 3rd edition was around as CSM squads now.

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So I'm working on another Asp. Sorcerer, this time it is the stock model and I am going to swap the sword for another force weapon.

Axe, I could use an old space wolf one, a lizardmen saurus one, or a chaos terminator one.

Mace/staff, I could use an old metal terminator mace, any other ideas are welcome.

Another idea I am leaning to is taking one of the old metal Power armour Grey knights halberds and putting it on, and choosing what type it is each game (would properly say it counts as an axe most of the time though.

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Why not go for something a little different? There's nothing stating that the various different covens and companies of Thousand Sons don't modify and style the armour of their un-dying battle brothers in accordance with their own superstitions and aesthetics. Don't forget, the Thousand Sons and Tzeentch in general are predominated by occult symbolism; how's about using helmets and armour designs that reflect the visages of certain gods, deities and demons from classic occultism and/or mythology? Just as ancient Egypt is obviously a source of great aesthetic inspiration for the Sons, how about looking to other ancient civilisations, such as ancient Greece, Rome, Babylon or Sumeria? Alternatively, you could remodel them to emphasise the "spirit warriors" schtick; have the helmets partially blown away, streams of ethereal vapour escaping created by simply dying or painting wisps of cotton wool, or have them entirely helmetless; use Undead skeleton or Hexwraith skulls, paint them suitably ethereal tones and Amon'Chakai's your uncle.


A while back, I had an inspiration for a Thousand Sons warband consisting of warriors that had been partially shielded from the Rubric when it occurred thanks to the foresight of their Master, but not enough to prevent them from being entirely transformed by it. As such, though their flesh was reduced to dust, their bones remained, meaning that each still boasted skeletal versions of their old mutations. It would make for a very different aesthetic for a Thousand Sons army, very striking on the table top.

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TELL ME!!!!!!!! Bet after all the time I've spent and failed on making crests for my terminators, it's a really simple and effective way, as it is it's either that, leave crestless or chop up the finecast set I got which Is one of the best finecast sets I have ever got.


Yea, dont go chopping up the finecast, I'll get some pics of my TS up soon ;)


You basically take a blob of greenstuff and this head. Fill the space between the horns with GS and sculpt it so it joins nicely with the top of the helmet.


Leave for 20 mins or so to harden a little, then with a craft knife, score horizontal parallel lines in the GS, this takes a little patience. Do the same on the reverse.


Leave to dry overnight.


Take a thin sausage of GS, then press it into the middle of the crest to make the central divider. Loop the sausage over the top and down the back, cut it to it joins with the helmet central ridge nicely.

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I'm converting the Dark Vengeance chosen into my Thousand Sons.


To do the crests I cut a bit of plasticard into the required shape and then position on the helmet. I plan to add a layer of greenstuff and score the lines on it later. They look great so far, wish I could work out how to post a picture.

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I used a TS head as a reference to get the scale about right, then I cut several rectangles of 1mm plasticard. I'm keeping one rectangle aside for sizing incase I need to make more. The others I carved and filed into roughly the right shape. I don't think they have to be identical.
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As promised here are some WIP shots of the sculpt, and the finished thing. The newer sculpts are much better, as I did the old ones 10+ years ago when the CSM multipart box first came out...


Sorceror Lord




The upper head is missing the central spine, but since taking that pic I have completed another set of heads.

Maybe 10 mins or less work per head, not including curing time for the GS.

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