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what happened to the 2:1 ratio for havocs?


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Agreed, a few extra "wounds" for expensive kit is a good idea.


I'm planning on running a 10 man havocs squad basically as a tooled up CSM squad - champion with an axe or something, 4 meltaguns, 5 bolters and cc. weapons. Undercover tank hunters :devil:

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Yea I used to run my havoc squads with four additional bodies, and no champion. It kind of sucks now that we have to pay the price for a champion, and even more so, becuase you better throw a CC upgrade on him for challenges.
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I'd be hoping to avoid challenges with a heavy weps havoc squad, although you could get FA units attacking i suppose... I do like the fact that you can tool up the non heavy (or special) wep boys with cc. weapons though; this, with a few extra bodies, makes them less of a soft target in combat - deffo, as you say, better than a 5 man havoc squad...


I don't mind losing a heavy position too much, I may even take two havoc squads; tanks be damned!

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If you focus on a close range force then the meltagun havocs are the way to go. I am a HUGE proponent of the Melta Havocs. I even give them MoK to make sure that my opponent is paying in blood for attacking my team that is moving around the field and killing anything I want them to.


In my Khornate force I'll be running 2 10-man havoc squads Mok+meltax4+powerfist in Rhinos w Dirge Casters + Extra Armor


Gives the havoc squad 4 attacks on the charge, 4 when taking a charge and 5 attacks from the champ who is really only there to prevent the unit from getting swamped by something with AV. I'm pretty sure 36 str 4 and 5 str 8 attacks will be able to crush most units that try to assault this unit.


Then I'll have 2 Heldrakes to deal with my opponents air. I think this should be sufficient. However, if my local meta starts to go heavy air I can easily swap out the squads meltas for missile launchers.


The Khornate force will look like this...



Chaos Lord

MoK + other goodies



Mutilatorx3 (Deep Strike)


Mutilatorx3 (Deep Strike)




Khorne Berzerkersx9 (lord attached)





Khorne Berzerkersx10





Khorne Berzerkersx10







Heldrake x2








Power Fist






Power Fist






Power Fist


Didn't calc the points yet... but this is the general layout.. + or - a squad or number of models here and there.

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I only see 5 man squads with 4 heavies being referenced. Why the change from 8 man squads to support 4 weapons?

If I'm paying lascannon prices for fancy missiles, I want them to have more bullet catchers.


costs too much . its is better to have 2x5 squads and one dead from flyers then have 1x8 one and be left with 1-2 hvy weapon after it gets shot up.

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I only see 5 man squads with 4 heavies being referenced. Why the change from 8 man squads to support 4 weapons?

If I'm paying lascannon prices for fancy missiles, I want them to have more bullet catchers.


costs too much . its is better to have 2x5 squads and one dead from flyers then have 1x8 one and be left with 1-2 hvy weapon after it gets shot up.


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Can I ask why mutilators rather than termies? Looks to me like they are just expensive fire magnets to draw incoming pressure away from other units, because they will draw that pressure. Suicide termies have as good a chance to survive in relative numbers, and can at least shoot when they drop.


I guess the mutilators could be more fluffy but that's expensive fluff right there.

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If you didn't have to take a champ maybe it would be worth adding a few extra bodies, but the great thing about havocs is they offer cheap heavy weapon support. You lose that when you spend 60pts on adding a few more bodies.
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i looked at hovoc cost earlier today, flakk missile become very expensive and arent really worth it IMO

id rather take a fiend and have the 8 S8 shots needing 6's to hit (your very likely to get on from 8 dice)



4 skyfire missle havocs will land on average twice as many hits on fliers than a forge fiend. A forge fiend is more of an "pray this works" solution than an actual AA solution. That being said you may do OK with one, especially if you have an aegis with quad gun handy.

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I say keep your options open, build a core list that is the basic shape of your force and make each unit flexible. Keep a few hundred points if swappable options flakk missiles vs meltas and a few gifts of mutation or fists over power weapons. Spend an amount on bodies and the remainder on upgrades.
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>buying flakk missiles


Enjoy paying powerfist prices to not kill Vendettas, Ravens, Heldrakes...I mean, you're probably not even landing enough glances to kill the AV11 Scythes/Doomscythe.


If you worry that much about flyers, take an Icarus lascannon and park a Warpsmith on it.



Havoks really have three builds:


- Champ, 4 x Havoks w/lascannons (155 points)


Cheap, smokes armour easily this edition, MC's hate it. What's not to love?


- Champ, 4 x Havoks w/autocannons (115 points)


Even cheaper, transports and light armour hate it, infantry hate it, and you will net about the same damage against flyers as flakk.


- Champ, 4 x Havoks w/meltaguns, Rhino (150 points)


I prefer the lascannons, but meltaspam is never a bad option. Try it out

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A havok with a missile launcher with flakk missiles is only 3 points more than just a havok with a missile launcher in the last codex. I oftan ran a squad of havoks with missile launchers, though since nobody runs fliers around here (yet) I get to save 60 points for the time being.


And I've found that people do tend to "snipe" the heavyies regardless if I buy bodyguards or not.

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I'm going to experiment with 4 missile launchers in an icarus aegis this weekend. Champ mans the gun, so that's either 5 anit-air, 5 anti-armor, or 4 anti-swarm with a lascannon for rediculous overkill. It's worth a test imo.
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What about a squad with 2 autocannons and 2 missile launchers with flak?


Would that not give you:


4 S7 AP4, 2 S8 AP3 vs vehicles or marines out of cover


4 S7 AP4 @ BS1, + 2 more @BS4 vs fliers


And the option to unload 2 frags into GEQ or hordes?


Ablative dudes or not, your preference, isn't this a good and fairly inexpensive all rounder build?

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