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Why cultist blobs and infiltrate are awesome


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BRB pg 38 (small book) Infiltrate: …“Units that contain at least one model with this special rule are deployed last,…”


Later: “…An Independent Character without the infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit of infiltrators during deployment”


I would say give the infiltrate to the IC and attach him to the unit, and they gain infiltrate.


By this I would assume I could give infiltrate to Huron and then infiltrate raptors or warp talons because Huron is and “infantry unit” but the IC would convey the infiltrate rule to whatever squad I attached him to.


Infiltrate still confers Outflank which I prefer anyway. IC's on Steeds of Slaneesh get Outflank plus Acute Senses. You can thank me later, if this turns into a game winning strategy. ;-)

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Wow, getting some really good conversation here on the cultists.


Then the subject of pallies. They got the charge, but I had blight grenades, so he got not bonuses. That means that the pallies only got 2 attacks each, so it took him a while to just get thorough the cultists. The first turn then he declared a challenge with draigo, and I accepted with the champion, because I didn't want the lord to die and give away first blood and fearless. There was then. A series of challenges between draigo and lord, whilst the pallies wore down the cultists. Draigo was hitting on 4s and wounding on 4s and then I had the 4+, so it's not exactly unlucky for him to get no wounds.Then when he did, there was a bit of hilarity with the force weapon. When he took the first wound off then I said, unless I get a six then he dies, and subsequently rolled a 6!! So yeah,they probably shouldnt have lasted quite that long, but neither was it particularly unlucky for him, because I did have T5, 4++ and a lot of cultists.

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but if you had blight only on 1 dude then it wouldnt have worked on the whole unit .

Wait, then how do the GKs' funky grenades work? Inquisitors/techmarines can take them but you can't get them for whole units . . . ?

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but if you had blight only on 1 dude then it wouldnt have worked on the whole unit .

Wait, then how do the GKs' funky grenades work? Inquisitors/techmarines can take them but you can't get them for whole units . . . ?


That's what I thought, the psycho whatever ones are IC only.


Blighties are IC only as well and @muskie I'm considering MoS sorcerer and 28 man cultists outflankint to back up a spawn wall and thus break a flank,tarpit some cool stuff.

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Wow, getting some really good conversation here on the cultists.


Then the subject of pallies. They got the charge, but I had blight grenades, so he got not bonuses. That means that the pallies only got 2 attacks each, so it took him a while to just get thorough the cultists. The first turn then he declared a challenge with draigo, and I accepted with the champion, because I didn't want the lord to die and give away first blood and fearless. There was then. A series of challenges between draigo and lord, whilst the pallies wore down the cultists. Draigo was hitting on 4s and wounding on 4s and then I had the 4+, so it's not exactly unlucky for him to get no wounds.Then when he did, there was a bit of hilarity with the force weapon. When he took the first wound off then I said, unless I get a six then he dies, and subsequently rolled a 6!! So yeah,they probably shouldnt have lasted quite that long, but neither was it particularly unlucky for him, because I did have T5, 4++ and a lot of cultists.


So many things were done wrong here... :cuss


Draigo is WS 7 and has a Mastercrafted Force Sword. I was mistaken, I thought a Chaos Lord with the Mark of Nurgle was a Psyker. My bad. Still Draigo would be casting Hammerhand on himself, so he would be S 6. Round 1, your Champion dies a horrible death from Draigo. Round 2- during your turn- you have to challenge. Draigo and the lord have the same initiative. Draigo has 4 attacks, needing 3+ to hit with a reroll. Then he needs 3+ to wound, with no armor save, and if he wounds, he makes a Psychic Test from his Force Weapon and all the wounds cause Instant Death. Unless, of course, you purchased Aura of Dark Glory. Then you'd have a 5+. Not sure how the Chaos Lord got a 4+ Invulnerable, as he had the Mark of Nurgle, which is +1 T. The Chaos Lord wouldn't get to use Look Out, Sir! yet either, as it's the first round of combat between these two characters. You attack back, with 3 attacks, maybe one more for two close combat weapons needing 4+ to hit, and 5+ to wound, and Draigo makes his 2+ Armor Save. Again, this combat lasts one turn, and the Cultists have lost Fearless. At this point, the Paladins should have won the combat by a significant margin, making the Cultists take a Morale Test on their LD of 7 and modifiers. This was how the challenge should have played out.


Now, let's look at what was going on between the Cultists and the Paladins. With Draigo and the Champion locked in close combat, the Chaos Lord and the Cultists have free reign. No description of the Paladins are given, but at the very least, we could assume 3 had a T-Hammer, 3 had Halberds, leave 4 with swords, and one Apothecary. As a side note here, that is a horrible load out for the Paladins. Anyways, the Chaos Lord now has a few things going against him. Pg. 24 BBB 'Units With Different Weapon Skills'- Majority wins, so the Paladins are striking at WS 5 vs. WS 3. Pg. 25 BBB 'Multiple Toughness Values'- the Paladins are rolling to wound against majority toughness, in this case, 3. The 3 Halberds go first at Initiative 6, and with 3+ to hit, 4 will hit. 3+ to kill, means 3 dead. If the Chaos Lord was up front, the Paladins would activate the Force weapon ability (one LD test and the whole unit has it). Whatever happens, it's 3-0 wounds for the Paladins. Chaos Lord goes at I 5, needs 3+ to hit and 4+ to wound, if it's a regular power weapon, then the Paladins all pass the Armor Save. But we'll say one takes a wound and failed his Feel No Pain (there should have been an Apothecary). 3-1 wounds total. Initiative 4- we have 4 Paladins with Forceswords attacking. 8 attacks, 6 hit, 4 more wounds. Now we are at 7-1. Assuming the Chaos Lord is still alive and managed to sluff off all his wounds onto Cultists, there are now 17 Cultists left. Let's say they all get to attack. It's a perfect battlefield set up for them and they all become engaged. Let's also say they all have 2 attacks from CCW+Pistol. 34 attacks on the Paladin squad, needing 4+ to hit, 5+ to wound. 17 should hit, and only 5 wound. The Paladins roll their 2+ armor save, and 1 fails. Now he makes his Feel No Pain... and let's say he fails that one too. Wound total at initiative 3: 7-2. At initiative 1, 3 more Paladins strike with Thunder Hammers. six attacks, 4 hit, 4 kill. Wound Total: 11-2. Add in Draigo's challenge kill and it becomes 12-2. Even favoring the Cultists, they are now down to 13 models plus the Chaos Lord. There are still 10 Paladins, with 2 of them having one wound each, and Draigo. This is after just the first round of close combat on rolls that favor the Chaos Cultists.


Round two, Draigo and the Chaos Lord fight. That leaves 10 Paladins vs. 13 Cultists. Draigo should kill the Chaos Lord- see the first paragraph. Wound total after the Challenge: 3-1 (we'll assume the Chaos Lord manages to wound Draigo). Initiative 6, 6 Force Halberd attacks. 4 dead Cultists. I 4, 8 Force Sword attacks, 5 more dead Cultists. I 3, the remaining 4 Chaos Cultists attack with 8 attacks. 4 hit, 1 wounds. Paladin saves. Now at initiative 1, six Thunderhammer attacks. 4 hit, 4 kills.


After just two rounds of close combat, the Paladins and Draigo with average rolls, should have wiped the Cultists and Chaos Lord off the table.


More side notes: pg. 37 BBB 'Force': "Deny the Witch rolls cannot be taken against Force weapons."

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but if you had blight only on 1 dude then it wouldnt have worked on the whole unit .

Wait, then how do the GKs' funky grenades work? Inquisitors/techmarines can take them but you can't get them for whole units . . . ?


because GK rules say they effect the whole unit, there is good gear ward makes and there is worse gear other designers make . trust me you dont want to go this way with blight , because of they work like this so do MSC and they instead of just the lord hiting himself on the head its his whole unit.

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Blight grenades - not sure on these. I was under the impression that defensive grenades only needed one model to have them. I'd have to check the rules to see if I made a mistake.


Lordgets a 4+ from sigil of something or other, which gives 4+ for 25 pts.


I don't actually know draigos stats, or whether that was actually how he rolled them, so I don't know what he hit or what, I don't know if he cast hammer hand or not, but he definitely did cast force weapon.


I didn't use LOS!


Force weapon thing, we both just missed, we both just said deny, and rolled the dice. Obviously that should have been played differently.


And one turn, then he accepted my challenge with a halberd armed guy. I thought that he couldn't do this, cos I this because I thought they had removed character status from pallies, but I couldn't find it, so let Hugo for it. I think his plan was to use the halberd to kill him before I struck, but he fluffed the rolls, and ended up dieting to a PF to the face.


Finally, at the beginning, I think there may have been a bit of a misunderstanding. I said 'like' , 4 turns, as in a hyperbole, I didn't actually count the turns, I just know that it was long enough for it to have such an effect on the game that i feel it may have won me the game.




Just looked up defensive grenades, and saw that I forgot about stealth! Whether they get the bonuses I don't know, because it says 'if the unit is equipped', are they equipped if one person has it?

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for that one dude . not for the whole squad , it says it in the rules . whole squad has X unit gets Y. If just one dude has it then it doesnt work .same if you have frags on a lord and a unit of possessed , it doesnt suddenly let possessed hit at initiative while charging in to cover.
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but if you had blight only on 1 dude then it wouldnt have worked on the whole unit .

Wait, then how do the GKs' funky grenades work? Inquisitors/techmarines can take them but you can't get them for whole units . . . ?


because GK rules say they effect the whole unit, there is good gear ward makes and there is worse gear other designers make . trust me you dont want to go this way with blight , because of they work like this so do MSC and they instead of just the lord hiting himself on the head its his whole unit.

Ah, gotcha. I did not realize that GK's had a special stipulation . . . like always. :P

Btw, nobody wants mindshackle scarabs to get a buff!

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