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Hi peeps, iv been in to the hobby for about 10 years now and have decided to start to build my own chapter.


iv thought through the traits and tactics


stealth, sniper and recon


prefered special wpn is the trusty flamer (its free and the best defencive wpn)


prefered heavey wpn is the Las cannon and is used as a sniper/anti-material weapon in the same kinda way as the army .50


now here is the thing that the purists wont like but screw you my army. the chapter changes the colour of its armour and uses Camo cloak/wraps/covers on its armour weapons and equipment(picts to follow)


i need help to name them and for extra ideas to make them a little more spec ops looking


constuctive critasisum (how ever your spell it) and advice is welcome


cheers peeps



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They could be anyone's successors, depending on how far down the tree, who trained them, and even the world they come from.


They could be Ultramarines, but their trainers were Raven Guard or Red Scorpions. Though, this type of warfare does tend away from the Fists and the Iron Hands.

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I like the idea a lot. Camo is for the cool down to earth marines, soldiers first warriors second kind of approach. Camo is an accepted practice in the Codex Astartes it is just that most chapters just doesn't bother with it or a to proud to use it. You could be of any lineage that uses the Codex it is just that your merines decided to emphasise on that part of Guillimans teachings.


Oh and the colour scheme is slick.




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  Wade Garrett said:
Couldn't they be White Scars successors? I seem to remember a White Scars flavour quote that went something like

"When you see us, be afraid. And when you do not see us...be even MORE afraid".

That's a quote from Shrike.


The comment about using camo and camo cloaks makes me think of the Raptors. Maybe RG successors via Raptors?

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