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Painting our new toys

steve shields

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So i first joined these forums for the e tenebre lux competition. Pretty much stayed cause i enjoyed the other forums as well. However, my productivity level has drastically decreased! Does anyone know if there are plans for another painting competition similar to that, or perhaps a chaos specific one in honor of the new codex. I sadly don't have the free time to manage one, but hopefully by putting this topic here we can gain some favor and perhaps some brave soul will volunteer? How many people would be interested in another painting competition? Should we keep it local to chaos or attempt to challenge others?
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Sounds like a good idea. :)

I'd definitley be up for something like this as anything that further increases my motivation is always a welcome thing and I love seeing other people's armies evolving and taking shape over time.

Would be great to have all of that in one forum-wide thread.



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i wasn't sure where to put it in the painting thread perhaps in the WIP? I'll probably go post something there as well. hopefully we can get something organized by the time i hit dry land, and i can hit the ground running. be nice if captain semper was up for another one, as he did a great job, granted he hasn't had too much off time though so i can't blame him if he doesnt want to! haha
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Why not. Loving the new raptors I just assembled (that plastic kit might be the best GW ever produced). I fear that university + job will take me too much time to paint that squad at a decent rate. Being an adult sucks.
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Why not. Loving the new raptors I just assembled (that plastic kit might be the best GW ever produced). I fear that university + job will take me too much time to paint that squad at a decent rate. Being an adult sucks.



haha your telling me, I've been underway since shortly after 6th came out. i have 5 cultists done and about halfway through 5 more. that's it haha.

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I've been working on my chaos forces since 6e's release. I started with 10 chaos marines. I'm still painting them.


I'd love to throw my hat into some 'paint the new models' competition, but I'm too slow to get anything large or numerous done for it. If you get something together, I might do a single model, though. Maybe that new chosen champ, or the starter box chaos lord.

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We could have each god and undivided for a 5 way competition.


I'm thinking we might be the only group who's really loaded with things to paint lately. We sure do have a lot, though.. especially with cultists being so numerous!


I have enough free time to actually organize an event like this so long as I get the Emperor's blessing (how ironic).

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We could have each god and undivided for a 5 way competition.


I'm thinking we might be the only group who's really loaded with things to paint lately. We sure do have a lot, though.. especially with cultists being so numerous!


I have enough free time to actually organize an event like this so long as I get the Emperor's blessing (how ironic).


well if your willing than by all means. although i feel like i would be compelled to put units into multiple gods haha. would need to come up with some rules though. most likely if you wanted a unit to count towards the god it would have to be marked. puts undivided at a slight disadvantage as the marks all cost points though.

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As I now have a compeltely retarded amount of models to paint (like 10 vehicles, 25 terminators, all HQs, most likely pushing 200 infantry when I finish the modeling process), I would love a painting contest to motivate me to paint. I recently found out I could somewhat speed paint and am really looking forward to use my new army painter paints and brushes!
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yeah i know how that goes i think i still have to finish 250 marines, 35-40 termies, 7 rhinos, 4 super heavies, brass scorpion 15 leman russ 15 assorted other guard tanks, a maruader destroyer, three of the four FW greater demons, 3 warhounds (one is almost done) and a reaver. why did i type this all out? that just lets me know how not even close to done i am :cuss haha
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The DA painting challenge came at a really unfortunate time, where many of us CSM players were waiting for the rumoured codex for guidelines on what to paint. I'd like a new challenge since I now know what I can do with my models (upgrades etc.). It does not mean I will start to paint fast, but probably that I will take more time for painting.
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You guys may want to wait a bit.

Somewhere, someone, said something about - something; that was planned for next week here in the Chaos forums. :)


next week you say? well i shall keep my eye out, that someone should maybe post something in this thread to help some people get some hope, or something like that.

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