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Painting our new toys

steve shields

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You guys may want to wait a bit.

Somewhere, someone, said something about - something; that was planned for next week here in the Chaos forums. :)


Wait. . .are you talking about. . . THAT?


Is it finally time for. . . THAT?

Well yes! nooo, yes! NOOO!

Maybe - do You HEAR THE VOICES TOO?!



Wait. . .are you talking about. . . THAT?


Is it finally time for. . . THAT?


:P :) :( :woot: :woot:




Sneaky pete!



What exactly is 'that'?


At least give us a clue man! :P

The clue is in the signature.
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OOh yeah! I think I can hear the voices of the Gods....they are no longer whispering, they are beckoning, they are......


Yeah I'll be in. I have some 40 Cultists, a handful of chosen ready to go. Of course, I have plans to add some daemon engines and other goodies to the mix (or baddies I should say) and this would be that motivating factor....



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I'd like to participate, but I won't have many of the new models. I've been trying to make what I got work before buying too much more (I'm saving up for a new-to-me car and pretty much everything is budgeted until March, next 'fun' thing I get is going to be Halo 4).


Edit-To be clear, I got PLENTY to paint. I'm sort of the running joke around here for the many times I've stripped my armies.

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well i doubt participation would hinge on new models, and form the looks of things it would be just a chaos thing. i posted a topic in the WIP section of painting and one guy answered telling me about different competitions currently going on, but no one really said anything about wanting another one. perhaps we could antagonize some of the other factions into joining up, but im not too sure. either way if the hints of another call are true that's 5 units we can get done (if its the same as the last one) i might do 4 10 man terminator units and a huron count as, or if forge world is allowed that's where things get fancy.
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Instead of pulling in the non-Chaos forumites, maybe just focus on some good old fashioned bad guy in-fighting? Run it so that each participant signs up under one of each of the five Chaos Marine subforums, and go from there...?


We've kind of got our animosity back, I could get behind making this All About Chaos. Not every painting comp has to or even needs to include every subforum.

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Instead of pulling in the non-Chaos forumites, maybe just focus on some good old fashioned bad guy in-fighting? Run it so that each participant signs up under one of each of the five Chaos Marine subforums, and go from there...?


We've kind of got our animosity back, I could get behind making this All About Chaos. Not every painting comp has to or even needs to include every subforum.


i would like this even better actually. id be down for participating in both this and a call of chaos if it were to go down.

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I feel chaos ascendant would hold advantage, though nurgle can be easy to paint and is popular, points in their favor, khorne I think is middling, slaanesh and tzeentch would suffer due to slaanesh [being difficult/taking a long time] to paint, and tzeentch and slaanesh are less popular mono-god forces, until we consider daemons... but idk, still think ascendant has avantage. Feel like night lords, iron warriors, and word bearers each have followings almost as strong as any mon-god force alone, and legions black and alpha, as well as ascendant/undivided warbands all have pretty strong followings. But ultimately what do I know?


Anyway, I digress, still have all my cultists, my chaos converted formerly ravenwing bikers(no fallen for me, pure word bearers, and they're gonna look awesome. They ...well- let's just say I found a good use for all my spare chaos warriors shields...), and any number of other models to paint once I finally settle on my HQs. For instance I have to figure out how to magnetze my sorcerer to match the 2 or 3 weapon loadouts I want, and my Dark Apostle to be magnetized and customed to accomodate him counting as a lord, sorc, or dark apostle(note no caps for hq option vs. leader of a WB host), and how to loadout my Coryphaus, most of which requires corroboration with my friends, b/c most major positions in my host are being based off real world friends and I want them to have a hand in the model design process. Also all the traitor guard/cultists I'm looking at getting, probably will play with the bits from a raptor box, my havocs, none of which have more than a basecoat, so should be allowed, I hope...


...and the hordes of older unpainted stuff... yeah... lots to paint, a challenge'd be good for me.

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yeah that's a very valid point, maybe if we had it down to each legion is a category? that would be interesting. yes i would be down with that. now the thing is though is another call is going on at the same time, could one enter models into both competitions or would they be mutually exclusive?
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yeah that's a very valid point, maybe if we had it down to each legion is a category? that would be interesting. yes i would be down with that.


Inter-Legion rivalry would be cool, so long as I could declare for my Legion of origin and not be stuck down in Renegades land.

I think that's roughly how it should work, when you start the challenge you either ally yourself with a blanket renegades group or your legion of origin, kinda how DIY chapters work for the larger challenge(I say that imagining that successor chapter DIYers had/have the option to stand under the DIY forum, or their respective parent chapters sub-forum)

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yeah that's a very valid point, maybe if we had it down to each legion is a category? that would be interesting. yes i would be down with that.


Inter-Legion rivalry would be cool, so long as I could declare for my Legion of origin and not be stuck down in Renegades land.

I think that's roughly how it should work, when you start the challenge you either ally yourself with a blanket renegades group or your legion of origin, kinda how DIY chapters work for the larger challenge(I say that imagining that successor chapter DIYers had/have the option to stand under the DIY forum, or their respective parent chapters sub-forum)



yeah i like the sound of it, i think the renegades would probably have more people, just cause not all successor warbands and such will put themselves under their parent legions. but either way it would be amazing. this is something small scale enough that i might be able to run. so we shall see what happens with this call of chaos business and then if by mid week next week there is no word on it I'll start signup for this. unless the previous volunteer would rather run it (im sorry i don't remember who said they would do it). what are peoples opinions on allowing forgeworld? and should this be by strictly points or would a system that assigns point values for unit entry/model count etc be better?

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