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Chaos Contemptors in the new codex

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They can be used in regular battles just as Forgeworld Titans can be used in Apoc battles without using scenarios, but they do require the opponents consent as they are supplemental items IIRC.


Just playing a game at all, requires an opponents consent ;)


So all you have to do is to make him/her say yes twice! :P

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They can be used in regular battles just as Forgeworld Titans can be used in Apoc battles without using scenarios, but they do require the opponents consent as they are supplemental items IIRC.


Just playing a game at all, requires an opponents consent ;)


So all you have to do is to make him/her say yes twice! :P


i think as long as it has the 40k stamp you are allowed to use it without asking about that specific unit.

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test it then . bring a castus ram or some FW flyers without telling anything and check what happens .


don't temp me i may just have to bring that assault ram haha.


do it . find a stranger and plop a flyer out of reservs turn 2-3 and check what his reaction to FW is.

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By and large FW stuff is overcosted (points wise) and not as powerful as people think. The Caestus Assault Ram is AV 13, for example and quite pricey.


Most Codexes have units that are at least as powerful (game wise) as anything FW. Even the Spartan Battle Tank comes in at well over 300 points with all the trimmings ("Mr Spartan, meet Mr Gauss").


The (over) reaction to FW is due to ignorance.

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I'm not hugely conversant with the Chaos Contemptor but the Loyalist one is roughly on par with an Ironclad (although AV 12 on the side), has Fleet, a 5++ v shooting and some nifty weapons options...BUT it is expensive (could be over 200 points ,depending on loadout, for what is essesntially a glorified Dread). A fun unit but hardly game changing.
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I'm not hugely conversant with the Chaos Contemptor


I am. He's pretty awesome, at least when you consider how meh Helbrutes are. I'd still not sure if I'd field one over a Forgefiend (3 x ecto-plasma is brutal). He can bring the ever hilarious heavy conversion beamer. With Mark of Nurgle he's pretty tanky as well, althought pricey. Mark of Khorne is hilarous, you just wreck face. Slannesh gives you grenades so you're not I1 charging through cover, which is nice. Tzeentch is meh.


Loyalist Contemptors aren't the issue. The Contemptor Mortis is. That thing can pack 12 assault cannon shots and a cyclone missile launcher for 215 points. At BS5. And when it stands still, it gains Skyfire (bye bye Heldrake). DA, BT and Spiritual Liege can get it.

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I plan to pick up a Chaos Contemptor for my Thousand Sons giving it mark of Tzeentch and all. I plan to have it laid out with a Plasma Cannon and a Plasma Blaster, odd I know but with finding out that I can re-roll my overheading plasma cannon if it comes up on a roll of 1 I rather enjoy it, its not the best layout I know but its what i want to do :P i was considering getting a Butcher cannon but for that I plan an in depth conversion and just magnetizing(sp) my plasma cannon until i get the replacement weapon will make my day.


as for how well it does, the thing has 4 hull points and with most people switching to plasma .. well at least in my game groups its very great when you consider any glancing hits it ignores on a 4+ and I was informed by some guys at my local area (hope they are right we all know how 'the gang' can get things wrong) told me that the 4+ to ignore comes AFTER you roll there cover saves so against glancing shooting attacks it gets basically a 4+ rerollable O.o damn :3 i like.


in the end Rune Priest Ridcully do what ya want and have fun doing it! :3 isn't that the point of the game to have fun o.o?


Cheers, Kits.

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I plan to pick up a Chaos Contemptor for my Thousand Sons giving it mark of Tzeentch and all. I plan to have it laid out with a Plasma Cannon and a Plasma Blaster, odd I know but with finding out that I can re-roll my overheading plasma cannon if it comes up on a roll of 1
Dont you only get to reroll to hit rolls of one?
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Well most tournaments are now allowing FW stuff as long as it has the 40k approved stamp. So far the reports are that everything is perfectly fine and balanced and often underpowered aside from Hyperios Air Defense Batteries which many tournament organizers are considering banning.
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Dont you only get to reroll to hit rolls of one?


Yep. That said, it's still good on plasma, as he's planning to use it. The fact that plasma overheats on vehicles makes it a pretty worthwhile upgrade if you go plasma cannon+plasma blaster.

If this is right, then the Mark of Tzeentch for once may actually be worth it, would proberly be taking it in 2000pts/3000pts games, and as a fan of plasma cannons (my old space wolf long fangs always had them, even in 4th, I love the fluff, idea and model) and if I were to take one, I'd proberbly be leaning towards Plasma cannon, DCCW with in built soulburner petard or heavy flamer (AP3 due to Tzeentch) and possibly a havok launcher.

An idea would be to convert the plasma cannon to look like the Warhound titan's one (aka on wider then tall) or as a friend of mine has recently got the forgefeind and is giving it hades autocannons, possibly use one of the plasma cannons off that to save a bit of money :P

Considering he would be with a dreadnought, 2 predators, a vindicator and any other tanks and/or rhinos I get into the 3000pts list, the enemy should have too many choices to effectively coordinate fire properly :)

Edit: A lascannon or multie melta could be good as well, even the heavy bolters could help me against my friends nurgle marked marines/other T5/6 nasties.

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