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10 zombies?


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Can someone point me to the page where I can find this reference?


And can I MoK them?


Look under the entry for Typhus in the 60's of the book IIRC. They cannot purchase options, so you cannot place any marks on them or any other sort of upgrades.

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Can someone point me to the page where I can find this reference?


And can I MoK them?


Typhus, page 61


It says that you can give them no upgrades at all. This obviously includes marks.


However, I exect GW to FAQ it, since I think its a mistake that you can only run 10 cultist per squad.

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dude no one is asking what you think they mean . And as models go , have you checked the numbers of viable models to buy in the Gav dex ? or how GW in this new dex made the techy and chapy suck so hard it makes no sense to buy them ?

what is writen is the thing that matters and the rule says that you cant take any upgrades . and taking more dudes as others pointed out is under the options section.

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