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Daemon Weapons


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Anyone remember the old vehicle and gargantuan creature creator rules? It basically gave point costs for anything you could come up with.


Well, what about a daemon weapons one? Like have base points for Bolter, Flamer, Axe, Sword, Flail, and Staff

Then, have different sections for upgrades. Have a section that adds USR and one that adds characteristic bonus and mandatory negative effect. Only one or two selections from each section.


USR would be; Hatred, Preferred Enemy (Army), Night Fighting, Rage, Soul Blaze, Fleshbane, Armorbane, Shred, and Counter-Attack.

Any other USR that would be good?


What about stat buffs and debuffs? What should go with what? Like +1T but-1A. Or +1 BS but-1 WS

Not sure what it should be, but I feel like if one stat gets buffed, something should get debuffed for balance sake.


What does everyone think? It would add a little fluffy aspect to your sorcerer or chaos lords. While only being able to be used in friendly games, it could be fun and fix our "only two" daemon weapons problem.

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