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Warlord traits

the jeske

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I have been thinking . considering that codex > rule book , what does stop us from having 2 dudes with build in warlord traits in the same list and both of the working . The rule book only tells us when to roll for warlord traits , who can be picked to get them[highest Ld , in case of tie we decide etc] , but it says nothing about a situation where two dudes who already have a warlord trait are in the same army . things to ponder.
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Unfortunately for your theory you can just open the BRB to pages 110-111:


Excerpt Pg.110; Special Characters; Warlord Traits: "Special characters roll for Warlord traits as normal, unless their profile specifically notes that they have a fixed Warlord trait.


Excerpt Pg.111; The Warlord: "When choosing your army, you must nominate one model to be your Warlord. This is always the HQ choice character with the highest Leadership. If several characters are tied for highest Leadership, you choose among them which is your Warlord."


Further, the table on Pg.28 of the Chaos Codex is the Warlord Traits Table, with the Chaos specific Traits listed as "D6 Warlord Trait".


When you make your army list you must nominate the highest Ld HQ character to be your Warlord. Your Warlord generates an ability, fixed or rolled for off an available Warlord Traits table. Even if you have 4 different special characters all with their own fixed Warlord Traits, only one will be your army's Warlord and thus gain his Warlord Trait at the beginning of the game before deployments. So the only time that a model gains the benefit of a (fixed) Warlord Trait is when it is the nominated Warlord for your army.

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