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chaos terminator load outs need help

cypher 89

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chaos terminator load outs need help explains it all really im not sure the best way to go with them really normally sm army terminator squads are simple lol,

my army is nurgle based lead by typhus so they need to have the mark of nurgle aswell.


all advice be great.

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It depends what you need really. If you're lacking anti-tank you could give them combi-meltas and deep strike squads of 3 behind enemy vehicles. If you're lacking close combat then put 5 of them in a landraider with power fists and/or lightning claws.


We have lots of new options in the new book, these are just two very basic ones to get you started!

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well my list will be along the lines of



5 terminators-mon- load out to be decided


7 plague marines 2xplasma guns, pf



7 plague marines 1xplasma gun, 1 melta, pf



7 plague marines 2xplasma guns, pf


20 plague zombies


helbrute-MM, PF


2x oblitirators


predator- TL lasconnons and lascannon sponsons

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I think termnators are best used as a durable CC unit. Their ranged weapons are not that much better than normal marines, and combi weapons are only going to give you one turn of good shooting. But in CC they already come with power weapons so are pretty good. I'd go for a chainfist for some anti armor, a power fist or 2, one with a pair of lightning claws and one with a heavy flamer.


As for transport, I think it's best to have them deep strike to where you need them or get them a land raider if you can find the points for that.

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I think termnators are best used as a durable CC unit. Their ranged weapons are not that much better than normal marines, and combi weapons are only going to give you one turn of good shooting. But in CC they already come with power weapons so are pretty good. I'd go for a chainfist for some anti armor, a power fist or 2, one with a pair of lightning claws and one with a heavy flamer.


As for transport, I think it's best to have them deep strike to where you need them or get them a land raider if you can find the points for that.


I see them as more of a ranged unit that eventually morphs into a CC unit as the battle demands of them.

Combi bolters are actually quite good. Chuck in some combi weapons (plasma/melta/flamer), a powerfist or 2 and they can do everything.

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cool cool , but im thinking of going for 5 terminators with mon, auto cannon, and 3 combi bolters and a combi melta, ill also either go with 2 chain fists and 3 power axes or mayb drop 1 chain fist to either just a power fist or another power axe, so they can kick out alot fire power if the deep strike goes amiss abit or if were close , they can go about killing.
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cool cool , but im thinking of going for 5 terminators with mon, auto cannon, and 3 combi bolters and a combi melta, ill also either go with 2 chain fists and 3 power axes or mayb drop 1 chain fist to either just a power fist or another power axe, so they can kick out alot fire power if the deep strike goes amiss abit or if were close , they can go about killing.


Not 100% sure if I am right here, but the box contains at least the following (and maybe some more as I might not remember everything): combi melta, combi flamer, heavy flamer, reaper auto cannon, power fist, chainfist. 2 axes or 3? powermaul (sadly only 1 of those I think)

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Yep. I'm making a box of them right now so I can give you a rundown on the contents.


Guns: 1 combi-melta, 1 combi-flamer, 3 combi-bolters,1 autocannon. 1 heavy flamer

Melee weapons: 2 power fists, 1 chainfist, 2 power axes, 1 power maul, 1 tentacle (count it as a power weapon i guess)


Sprue pic:


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