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Daemon Prince in the new Codex

Torva Minoris

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I noticed the other day while reading the new codex that it never states anywhere that daemon princes actually have the marks of the gods they are aligned to. so for example you can make a daemon prince aligned to tzeentch and it makes it have hatred (nurgle) and can reroll failed saves of 1, but nowhere does it say that he would also get a +1 to his invulnurable save. So if he doesn't get the +1 to his inv save he has a worse save than a thousand son marine.


Just wondering if any of you have noticed this and whether you think they gain the benefits of the marks or not?

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The "Daemon of X" upgrades are Prince-specific and list exactly what they do on the Prince page. They don't state that they're marks, so I'd say no, they don't get mark bonuses on top of the Daemon of X bonuses. In short, Princes got slammed in the new codex. You even have to pay points for them to have a save at all (by buying power armor).


EDIT: Whoops, I forgot the stock 5++ they get from Daemon USR.

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Its a good thing too, imagine a tzeentch DP with a 3++ rerolling 1s

well, if they got the mark it would be 4++ rerolling 1s.

Sigil + MoT


They only have access to Chaos Rewards and Chaos Artefacts, so they can't take Sigil, so a Tzeentch Daemon Prince only gets a 5++


EDIT: assuming they don't get MoT, which it seems they don't

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