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Battle summary Thousand Sons vs GK 2000 pts

Marshal Goderic

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First game with my Thousand Sons vs the Grey Knight codex 6th ed. at 2000 pts;

approximate (I didn't look at his list)GK:


7 terminators

10 purifiers

2 squads 10 regular gk's


dread knight

vindicare asassin


Thousand sons

sorcerer kitted out with ML3, disc, familiers, scoll of magnus (HELL YEAH)

275 points


forgefiend with plas head and hades arms

20 cultists

2 squads of 9 thousand sons


5 pink horrors with a naked herald of Tz

9 flamers

9 screamers


round one, battle cannon kills 7 gks of a squd, gk's advace down field in cover

round 2 all units advance, defiler kills another squad, dreadknight shoots then charges deep striking flamers killing 2 in the shooting, dreadknight takes 13 wounds from flamers on overwatch, fails 10, bye bye

round 3 screamers fly over purifiers, squad fails7 of 10 armour saves, forgefiend shoots squad, no more gk squad, flamers fry the last 3 gk's in the other squad

round 4 surround and bake LRC with flamers, screamers, forgefiend and defiler, maul the few termies left with defiler and screamers and game over


game ends with only a vindicare assassin left for gk's

Thousand Sons lost a total of 1 screamer and 2 flamers the whole game (mostly due to sorcerer getting invisibility and endurance for powers!)


Glory to Tzeentch! Death to the Flase Emperor!!

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Sounds like incredible luck.


Killing 7 GKS with one Defiler shot? And then he kills another squad next turn?


13 Wounds on a Dreadknight with 27 S4 shots? (Normal would be 2,25 wounds before saving), oh wait you said OVERWATCH, so instead of 0,75 you rolled for 13?

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He said the DK charged Flamers, not horrors. Flamers have the 4+ glance/wound templates, so yeah that makes sense actually.


Lol,I have never played with a Grey Knight babywalker before, but even I would never even contemplate assaulting a large unit of flamers with a walker ^_^


So no, doesn`t make that much sense unless he was very desperate.


Marshall, congrats!


Sounds like an awesome win of the type that is truly, truly rare. You sure had way above average luck with that defiler shelling to put it mildly.

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Thanks for the congrats! The dreadknight charged flamers, can you do something more tactically unadvisable? I can't think of anything. He wasn't desperate, I think that he thought that flamers had flamers, not the crazy thing that they do have. fyi NOONE in my area plays with any daemons so he may not have played vs them but I'm not gonna protest his charge after getting told how the unit is about to get stomped in melee because I was lucky in my saves against it's shooting so now he's gonna 'bring the pain'... charge away bucky boy


The deployment was on the short ends of the table, his end had lotsa area terrain, mine had a couple pieces. So, yeah I had some luck with that first squad but hey there were only seven or eight of them and they were grouped up, I saw opportunity <_< they saw a battle cannon shell, only 5+ cover so... have you heard of my terminators who have taken 5 armour saves and failed four of them? everyone has bad days with saves. I'm not graced with lots of time to respond or post but to get slightly more detailed, in R2 the defiler only killed most of the squad, the screamers got the rest that were 'tactically regrouping' (the player was pooping himself over what to do) and were next to the purifiers when the screamers flew over them.


Forgefiend, supremely meh this game, yes it helped kill the last 3 members of a squad but due to the very long range of this game it only shot once at the squad and that's it. The other player keeping his forces in the backfield also added to it not being able to get into a good position. In other games i've used and seen it used to decent effect as long as 1.) it can get good positioning, 2.) you have more than one daemon engine, either defiler or another fiend to take some of the shooting. A 5+inv is great but won't save you against weight of fire, some help is given with IWND, but it only gives you ONE point back on a 5+ only at the end of YOUR turn, i'm really enjoying taking 2 or three though, a fiend and a defiler have worked great in other games for making the opponent not know what to shoot and sometimes not focus on some important things.


The defiler shined out right, can you say first blood? by the by this is/was a GK player who bought the dex and army to put on the table FTW, 'hi, i've got GK's, i doubt you're gonna be able to beat that...' (yes this was more last edition due to paladins and the like but now he's shopping for a 'stronger army' his words) so I'm elated to both win and win huge.


The MVP unit was the sorcerer with invis and endurance and the screamers with a 2+ cover save, FNP, ITND, was utterly unstoppable, power armour, land raider, terminators, that can't see what's attacking them... I would sacrifice goats on altars at midnight to get that roll at a tounament :)

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