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Marks for Helbrutes


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I think the new codex is top-notch, a real improvement over the last one and a competitive, balanced, fluffy book overall. Good job Phil Kelly!


Just one thing I think he might have tweaked is the Helbrute. Overall, it definitely is better than the old Chaos Dread, but I still think it could have a little added to it. I was thinking it would be fluffy and relevant game-wise to let Helbrutes pay for Marks... something like:


Korne - Gain Rage, Counterattack, and Rampage USRs


Tzeencht - Gain 6+ Invul, PML1, and one ability from Tzeencht Discipline


Nurgle - Gain an additional Hull Point (so total of 4) and Blight Grenades


Slaanesh - Gain +1 Initiative and replaces any Flamer with Doom Siren and any Missile Launcher with Blastmaster for free.



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Hmm, yes, I think Fleet might be appropriate for Mark of Slaanesh.


Obviously, these Marks would have to be point-costed in a fair manner, as they do make the Helbrute significantly better.


The only other thing I can think of is to allow Helbrutes to be carried by the Heldrake (in the same way that a Stormraven can transport a Dreanought), thus allowing them to move further and get into CC quicker.

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I would like them to have marks and if I am honest, I am slightly sad that they cant have any.


IMO, some of those marks are a bit "too" good though.


For instance, MoK, rage, counter attack AND Rampage is a bit much. Would have to be very expensive then. I would rather want to see helbrutes have rampage in general and be more expensive, as otherwise that mark would cost way, way too much.

Slaneesh seems okay but should be relativly expensive, but isn`t overpowered at all, and would be cool (would be very, very cool to gain those fluffy options).

Nurgle. +1 HP is cool, fluffy and balanced, and likewise the blight grenade. Again, this mark should not then be cheap though. But very cool.

Tzeentch: Love it! I would say that dreads should not be psykers, but Thousand Sons is a special case, and its a thousand (hehe) times fluffier on THEM than the disgusting blood angel dreads that makes no sense. But again, this mark would be expensive.


Hell, you know what? I love it! When I started to read it I thought " Oh, fanboy rules, this is going to look like Mat Ward on steriods and be incredibly unbalanced and overpowered", but it`s not the case here, and they all make sense and are consistently cool! So congrats too you, mate ^_^

Good job.


Ps. Oh, yeah, still, I do suspect that your MoK is too much with both rage, counter AND rampage.

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