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First Game, First Impressions


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Hello all,


I played 2 gaems yesterday, neither one particularly competitive, I normally playtest for tournaments, but I don't have a 6th e chaos army ready to go yet so I used my 5th e army with some new units.


I played vs necrons 1500 pts in game 1.


My list was:


Chaos Lord on Bike, Mark of Nurgle, Power Axe, Meltabombs, Combi Melta, Sigil, Gift, Burning Brand


7 Plague Marines, 2 plasmaguns, Champ with combi-melta, power axe and Meltabombs, Rhino

7 Plague Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Champ with combi-melta, power axe and meltabombs, Rhino with Dirge Caster

7 Plague Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Champ with combi-melta, power axe and meltabombs, Rhino with Dirge Caster


6 Nurgle Bikers, 2 plasmaguns, Champ with Power Weapon and Meltabombs


2 Nurgle Oblits

2 Nurgle Oblits


His list was:


Necron lord with destroyer body


1 unit of 10 immortals with gauss

1 unit of 10 warriors

1 unit of 5 warriors in ghost ark


1 doom scythe death ray flier


3 heavy destroyers

6 wraiths



Annihilation Barge, all Tesla


We were playing the scouring with the diagonal deployment.


before deployment we revealed the values of the different objectives. He had 2 3`s and a 2 in his zone, I had a 1 a 2 and the 4 in mine... so I needed to be aggressive.


He deployed, the monolith kind of in the middle, the destroyers at the back, warriors in a forest on a 3 point objective, and the ghost ark behind the monolith. there was a very large ruin in the middle of the table, that obscured his monolith, and another ruin (2 storey bastion) on the right of his triangular deployment sone, with a 3 point objective at the foot. he deployed his immortals beside the bastion and the wraits and destroyer lord in front of the immortals. his annihilation barge was behind the bastion.


I deployed my bikes completely obscured behind a bhilding onthe far right of my deployment, a rhino full of melta plague marines with two oblits standing behind the rhino on the 4 point objective at the left bottom corner of the ruins on the right of my deployment, same area as the bikers. then the other two rhinos near a a left side ruin witht he 1 point objective in there. these two ruins created about a 9 inch alleyway that would provide good cover going foward, the other 2 oblits were behind the rhinos. the 2 point objectives were actually both outside our deployment zones, one at the end of the right side building in my zone near mid table, the other in the big ruin near his side.


I failed to steal the initiative.


My warlord trait was preferred enemy marines within 12 of my warlord. gift of mutation gave my warlord shred - nice!


I`m not going to do a turn by turn battle report on this game, as it wasn`t that much fun to play...


Necrons shoot a lot and i manged to take down the shields and immobilize his annihilation barge with lascannons, and not take much damage in return, he did hit both my rhinos on the left and 1 oblit with his ordinance shot from the monolith and i took a wound on the oblit and his immediate reaction was `REMOVE IT!`and i was all like... is you blast streagth 10 :cuss ?? anyway...


I turbo boosted the bikes aggeressivly and flat outed the rhino with melta squad with them, and on my turn two managed to shoot the wraitsh down to 1 wraith and the destroyer lord, i had lost 3 bikes by this point. i used all 3 squads of plague marines shooting plus some oblits. i also cheated by accident and took out his ghost ark with a second round of lascannons, which should not have happened - can`t fire same weapons twice. bikes charged in, and through the course of 3 or 4 rounds of combat were wiped out, with 1 bike breaking off and fleeing off the board. the lord mindshackled every freakin turn and killed himself with hsi axe. but i killed the wraiths... lame. I`m NOT taking an axe on that guy again, powerfist please - if only there was a good daemon weapon for non khorne lords... the murder sword would even have been ok, IF I GOT TO STRIKE AT THE ENEMY!! MINDSHACKLEEEE!!!! *Shakes fist*


anyway, the rest of the game was lame, his flyer came on and in 2 rounds of shooting killed 1 squad of plague mariens that were on my 4 point objective. by the end of the game i was contesting 2 of his but he still had 1 3 pointer to my 0. and his necron lord ate through a squad of plague marines too.


The burning Brand was neat, but I didn`t realize its only strength 4... that's not so great actually...


How the hell do you deal with a necron lord? I know, shoot it until its dead, but that wasn`t really an option, if i didn`t charge it, it would`ve charged somehting more squishy...


I took him down with shooting when we were assuming that LoS needed a unit with 6 inches, which it does not... just to be joined to a unit (his last wraith was 7 inches away when the lord took 3 plamsa bolts and a meltagun shot to the face, i was all like `no look out sir for you`but in the end i was wrong... and he made his saves. but not before rage-ing and slamming his book on the table and throwing his dice around like a baby. Raf, if you read this, I`m never playing you a friendly game again... at tournaments i don`t have a choice...


the fun part about this guy is that he films a summary of the end of each of his turns and posts youtube videos about it under the name eldarcorsair, check out his channel, he`s never lost apparently! well... he never posts losses that is... and he never films himself throwing tantrums which happens regularly apparently.


Anyway, that was game 1... ugh...


Game 2 was 1850, I used:


Nurgle Lord on bike, combi-melta, murder sword, meltabombs, sigil, gift

Tzeentch prince, wings, armor, black mace, ML1, gift


7 Plague Marines, 2 plasmaguns, Champ with combi-melta, powerfist, Rhino with Dirge Caster, Combi-melta

7 Plague Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Champ with combi-melta, powerfist, Rhino with Dirge Caster, Combi-melta

7 Plague Marines, 2 Meltaguns, Champ with combi-melta, powerfist, Rhino with Dirge Caster, Combi-melta


6 Nurgle Bikers, 2 plasmaguns, Champ with Power Weapon and Meltabombs


2 Nurgle Oblits

2 Nurgle Oblits


350 points more in a daemon prince and upgrades... ugh...


This time i was playing against my good friend, who was using his lamenters blood angels list, he was goign to use his dirty dirty 6th ed tournament necrons, but I asked him nicely to play with a softer list, as I wasn`t bringing a tournament ready list... so the lamenters made it out.


His Lamenters were fantastic in 5th, but 6th makes them craptacular.




2x lasplas razorback with 5 man assault squad with flamer

2x heavy bolter razorback with 5 man assault squad with meltagun


3x baal predator with assault cannon and heavy bolter sponsons


2x Auto-las predators

1x vindicator


1x furioso dreadnought with blood talons in drop pod.


we played big guns never tire with 5 objectives, dawn of war deployment.


My warlord trait was preferred enemy space marines within 12 inches of my warlord again, which wasn`t bad this time.


gift on the warlord was shred again, odd...


gift on the daemon prince was eternal warrior! which made him totally awesome this game!


again, not going to do a turn by turn, but the game saw his tanks rushing up, and his vindicator failing to pop my tanks, and getting destroyed in the return fire along with a baal predator. bikers turbo boosted around the right flank again, and daemon prince started on the board hidden on the ground, assaulted his drop podded dreadnought and took two hull points off of it....


The daemon prince was a total baus. he didn`t get hurt at all from the contemptor, and then my friend charged mephiston in... big mistake... transfixing gaze had no problem with the daemon prince`s low leadership, but with preferred enemy not being as good anymore mephiston had a hard time hitting the daemon prince. I chose to use smash to ensure i wounded mephiston with each attack and managed to pull 3 wounds off round 1, to 1 wound suffered in return... 1 wound that would have killed the prince outright without eternal warrior... round two i kill mephiston, roll up some crap on the boon table and continue to fight the dread.


the lord on the other hand blows up a razorback with the two combi meltas from him and the sarge, then charges the contents wiping out the 5 man squad, killing the lamenter`s sargent with the lord`s attack. the lord rolls on the chaos boon chart... and gets turned into a spawn!!!!!!


the chaos spawn isnt`acutlaly tht bad, but in comparison to my 225 point lord, its terrible.



other notable things, plague marines and oblits love blowing up tanks, many of his tanks died to shooting. the daemon prince wiped out the dreadnought, took to the skies and flew into a bunch of my enemies tanks, tried ot bolt of change one of them but fialed to do any damage. Then he got shot down and died immediately.


in summary, i don`t know about the nurgle lord on a bike, he`s neat, but I think the khorne lord with the axe is the way to go, and in that case put him on the Juggernaut.


in my opnino our bikes are cheap, so running them with nurgle is great, but they`re better as a shooty harassment force than a chargine assault force, they`re not biker nobs afterall. in that case, a nurgle sorcerer would probably be best.


the daemon prince was fun, he never hit a big block of guys with that black mace, but did kill mephiston... only because he had eternal warrior. I dont`think i`ll be using him again, he was like 300 points...


Plague marines are indeed still good, but I think more bodies will be better in most cases.


You really need to play oblits different now that they can`t sit back and lascannon stuff anymore. I think marching up with the troops is the best way, that way you can make use of your best weapons every turn, most of them are only 24 inch range, excepting the lascannon and plasma cannon.


I can`t believe killing a sargent caused my lord to turn into a spawn.


so, in future I`m going to try to do new stuff, more bodies and havocs, a nurgle sorc on bike, and maybe huron for infiltrating goodness. but i`ve got a lot to build between now and then...

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Thanks a lot for an amusing read :cuss That necron player sounds like an annoyance in every way.


Love reading how people do with lists created from the new codex, as I have not the oppurtunity to play as much as I would really like myself, so again, thanks :(

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I think that is so stupid that when we randomly roll an ability we had last edition, the DP is good, but is otherwise a glass-jawed point sink. Time to get some loaded dice, perhaps? <_<


Necrons are terrifying. Mindshackle is a nightmare, and their fliers are so good that you practically have to tailor a list to kill them.

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Necrons are terrifying. Mindshackle is a nightmare, and their fliers are so good that you practically have to tailor a list to kill them.


Ridiculously imbalanced/gamebreaking stuff ? Typical Ward crap.

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Necrons are terrifying. Mindshackle is a nightmare, and their fliers are so good that you practically have to tailor a list to kill them.


Ridiculously imbalanced/gamebreaking stuff ? Typical Ward crap.


Should be an age limitation on using Ward codices :D


When you become old enough to drink, drive and get jailed, you are too old for paying as children on busses, and so should be too old for Ward codices as well :D


See? That would fix ward codices fine <_<

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How did you find the rhinos? i have planned to throw them on the shelf and switch to foot slogging, and have been tearing off the meltas and flamers and putting on plasma in prepararion for this. Rhinos seem like a terrible choice to me now. i will be trying out my foot slogging plague marines tonight for the first time.
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LOL, even more moaning about mat ward codexes, its getting old guys...


@ OP, how did you find the bikers. I tried them and found that even though they are cheap, I still found they died easily, and preffered my spawn. not quite as much AT, but better in cC and faster.

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LOL, even more moaning about mat ward codexes, its getting old guys...


@ OP, how did you find the bikers. I tried them and found that even though they are cheap, I still found they died easily, and preffered my spawn. not quite as much AT, but better in cC and faster.


I thought it was pretty funny and didn`t notice the "moaning"( not even in Vespers highly accurate response regarding Necron flier spam) :lol:


Whats "old" though already, is all the complaining about the current brand new chaos codex, which ironically has much more complaints than Necrons, Grey Knights or Blood Angels, despite clearly being a far more well written codex :)

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How did you find the rhinos? i have planned to throw them on the shelf and switch to foot slogging, and have been tearing off the meltas and flamers and putting on plasma in prepararion for this. Rhinos seem like a terrible choice to me now. i will be trying out my foot slogging plague marines tonight for the first time.


I'm interested in how they did as well. I like rhinos and I'd rather not shelve them.


Ward hate will never stop, just like we'll never stop hating the Imperium. One in the same? This is quite possible....

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Thansk guy,s like the thread, Ward hate aside (I have GK, and I love them for tournaments...), Necrons are so lame to fight against with mindshackle... Its not the flyers that get me, its that i have to challenge, and inevitably have to pass a mindshackle roll each turn, and often don`t.


That and freakin tesla spam. buddy has 3 annihilation barges and 2 night scythes at 1850... and 3 veiling squads of immortals... ugh...


How did you find the rhinos?


They died. I expected them to. but for 40 points with dirge caster I will continue to take them, even if I`m slogging the squad alongside. I thinkt hats the way to go by the way, shoot the enemy then turbo boost your rhino in front of your troops, rinse and repear until its destroyed. in both games whenever i charged i managed to have a rhino within 6 inches for no overwatch shenanigans.


Combi melta is points better spent elsewhere, jsut take a dirge caster and enjoy tour mobile overwatch denial and cover - thats all they are now.


how did you find the bikers. I tried them and found that even though they are cheap, I still found they died easily, and preffered my spawn. not quite as much AT, but better in cC and faster.


Bikers are not Nobs as i mentioned before, they can`t be played like that. I think being T6 is great and all, but if they`re out there unsupported, they`ll die. great for the scouring, great for annoyance, and great as a ranged threat, just pull up about 12 inches away and plasma the enmy where they`re weakest, thats all. maybe a nurgle sorcerer on bike. but if you`re looking for assault delivery, the spawn are better - and so is the khorne lord on juggernought with blind axe.


I`d consider FNP slaanesh bikers with sorcerer on a steed for outflank and acute sense as well, zip onto tbe board and waste a unit with shooting, 2 plasmaguns, maybe a combi plasma on the champ and the sorcerer takes the brand and ML! or ML2 for slaanesh debuff spells... I`m a try that next time...


and yeah, DP i think is done... without eternal warrior mephiston would`ve killed him, even with fleshbane, chances of me one-shotting mephiston are pretty low...

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Then again, Mephiston has a very unfluffy T6 that makes no sense. There is no insta killing such a silly super marine with higher toughness than Typhus (will not mention the relevant codex authour since some people obviously dislike people stating the obvious), but thats the fault of an incredibly badly statted Mephiston and not really at all, relevant for the DP.
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Necrons are terrifying. Mindshackle is a nightmare, and their fliers are so good that you practically have to tailor a list to kill them.


Ridiculously imbalanced/gamebreaking stuff ? Typical Ward crap.


Should be an age limitation on using Ward codices :P


When you become old enough to drink, drive and get jailed, you are too old for paying as children on busses, and so should be too old for Ward codices as well :)


See? That would fix ward codices fine :P


I support this wholeheartedly.

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