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Warp talon lightning claws fit on termintor bodies.


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For those who were wondering, the warp talons lightning claws fit beautifully onto terminator models. I saw some yesterday at my LGS, and they are awesome, like the claws from the terminator lord kit.


looks much more chaos than the imperial scum ones form the assault terminator box.


they also obviously fit nicely on marines... so, buy a box for raptors, have enough lightning claws for your whole army! woot!

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This may be a silly question, but do you get five sets of Claws in the box?


Yes and more.


In short, this box is worth the money because of the torso's, weapons and cool sculpts.



Its a great box. Lots of good bits in it.

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My my, batman has come a long way, hasn't he?


Thank you for the reminder. In my haste to start conversions for my Dark Apostle, my War(p)smith, and my Nurglenators, I totally forgot about my Alpha Legion auxilia's cell leader. He'll most likely be a Terminator guy with claws, these may work out nicely for him.

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I can whole-heartedly say that the raptor box is a must buy, even if you don't use them for raptors. I bought this box purely for the bitz to spruce up my standard chaos marines and everything in the box is awesome. It comes with:


10 heads (two of which are chaos MK IV helmets)

5 torsos and legs that can easily be transferred to a normal marine and easily reposed.

5 amazing chainswords and bolt pistols (seriously, the swords are freaking epic

3 plasma pistols

1 flamer, meltagun, and plasmagun (all of them have unique sculpts, particularly the plasma gun that has a daemon maw barrel)

1 power sword and power fist

and then lastly 5 pairs of lightning claws.



Now, I could probably use a pair on my terminators. I wouldnt doubt that they would work well but, I already plan to use them all as upgrades for my Slaaneshi champions so I can butcher some loyalists.



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Makes me feel like a fool. I was short on cash when I ordered the codex, and ordered it and the warpsmith (really like the model). I was tempted to go for the raptors as well but could not afford them, the book and the warpsmith at the same time I thought (particularly as I had recently spent too much on 40k on ebay). Should have waited with the warpsmith and gone for the raptors in hindsight.
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Makes me feel like a fool. I was short on cash when I ordered the codex, and ordered it and the warpsmith (really like the model). I was tempted to go for the raptors as well but could not afford them, the book and the warpsmith at the same time I thought (particularly as I had recently spent too much on 40k on ebay). Should have waited with the warpsmith and gone for the raptors in hindsight.


Yes, you should have. :(

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Makes me feel like a fool. I was short on cash when I ordered the codex, and ordered it and the warpsmith (really like the model). I was tempted to go for the raptors as well but could not afford them, the book and the warpsmith at the same time I thought (particularly as I had recently spent too much on 40k on ebay). Should have waited with the warpsmith and gone for the raptors in hindsight.


Yes, you should have. :(


Small pox and leprosy upon you!


But yeah...

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I appreciate this research. Good show.


I just got back from signing stuff in Canada, and picked up 3 Chaos Raptor boxes while I was out there, just because they were so sexy. The temptation for 6 Raptors, 6 Warp Talons, and the rest all used as bitz is pretty immense, but the problem now is that the new Raptor and Chosen models make my converted Berzerkers look terrible and... strangely Loyalist.

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I appreciate this research. Good show.


I just got back from signing stuff in Canada, and picked up 3 Chaos Raptor boxes while I was out there, just because they were so sexy. The temptation for 6 Raptors, 6 Warp Talons, and the rest all used as bitz is pretty immense, but the problem now is that the new Raptor and Chosen models make my converted Berzerkers look terrible and... strangely Loyalist.


Smear some gore on them when you get to the paint phase, they'll Blood God up nicely and not look so vanilla.

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How is the kit for shoulder pads? Is it the bare minimum, or are there an excess like in the Death Company box?


I like options.


It's made for 5 models.




The sum up:

5x Jump Pack

5x Legs

5x 2 Shoulder Pads

5x 2 Lightning Claw arms

5x Torso

3x Plasma Pistol hand

9x CSM Head

5x Bolt Pistol hand

1x Flamer, Plasma Gun, Melta Gun, Power Fist


Enough feet, legs, arms, wing pieces and Melta Bombs for 5 to 6 models. Plus, Lightning Claws who are easy to convert/count as Power Fists.



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Thanks for the sprue pic, I'm still waiting for my raptors to arrive from triple helix. I've been scouring the web for pics of the components so I can plan kitbashes when the pieces finally hit ebay bitz stores... only bmf-bits has them so far, and a lot of the weapons have sold out already so I haven't found a closeup of the plasma gun yet.
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