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Warp talon lightning claws fit on termintor bodies.


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Only bmf-bits has them so far, and a lot of the weapons have sold out already so I haven't found a closeup of the plasma gun yet.


Well it's your average Plasma Gun with a little razor on top of it.


Hope this helps:


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The sum up:

5x Jump Pack

5x Legs

5x 2 Shoulder Pads

5x 2 Lightning Claw arms

5x Torso

3x Plasma Pistol hand

9x CSM Head

5x Bolt Pistol hand

1x Flamer, Plasma Gun, Melta Gun, Power Fist


Pretty sure you missed a head there. There are five warp talon heads, and five completely separate raptor heads. The raptor heads are kind of scattered about the sprue, though. Regardless, there's 10 total.

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I appreciate this research. Good show.


I just got back from signing stuff in Canada, and picked up 3 Chaos Raptor boxes while I was out there, just because they were so sexy. The temptation for 6 Raptors, 6 Warp Talons, and the rest all used as bitz is pretty immense, but the problem now is that the new Raptor and Chosen models make my converted Berzerkers look terrible and... strangely Loyalist.


Indeed. It's one of those situations that I really, really like that kit particularly, and I could get 3 boxes and just redo all the guys I got...and they would look cool in the end...but is it worth it in the end? What do I do with all the loyalist plastic jump packs I'll have?

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Damn it, now I need to buy a Warptalon-box as well! :D

(I want L.Claw termies, I currently have 20 termies but 0 L.Claws...)


This is going to be an expensive autumn.

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