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Analysis of units, characters and equipment combinations


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*A special thanks to Seahawk and Iron Sage for inspiring this topic. *


I love playing with a defiler. Its a stompy evil demon crab tank with a giant cannon protruding from it. Blast a squad of marines one turn and then tear up a land raider the next. Makes you feel like an evil genius unleashing your mad creation on the world.

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Gift of Mutation on everyone! My first game I got neat stuff; 2+ armor saves and etc. The second game I got fleet on a unit champ...d'oh!


Huron! 3 scary attacks plus two not scary attacks, plus one of 18 random powers every turn! When he trounced a chaplain and his boon was to cause instant death...<_<


Dreadnoughts! (been playing for 14 years, so maybe after another 14 I'll switch to helbrutes) They're angry, they're clanky, and they're fun en mass. Shoot them and they get angrier!

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Gift of mutation for sure!


Huron/Ahriman (cheap HtH awesomeness with infiltrate or dakka dakka lord of the Sons with Infiltrate ^^ )


Burning Brand of Skalathrax. Only tested it once, but damn torrent templates are fun to use (and also happens to be potentially devestating as well, hehe)



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Someone on this board came up with the idea of 15 Chaos Spawns with a Khorne Lord on a Juggernaut.

Looking pretty damn funny to me.










I miss my Chaos Lord on a bike with two Chaos Hounds...

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Someone on this board came up with the idea of 15 Chaos Spawns with a Khorne Lord on a Juggernaut.

Looking pretty damn funny to me.










I miss my Chaos Lord on a bike with two Chaos Hounds...




Immagine 4 x 5 spawns, each unit having a juggerlord with axe, mace or fist and Lclaws <_< Would be so cool if that could be a cost efficient 2K list (as it is now, I am not sure, but maybe it COULD work)

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I haven't played with this codex yet, but I imagine Helldrakes could be pretty fun zooming in, flying over a rhino or something and then flaming a unit. Sounds fun.


I think a TDA sorceror with MoT, force axe and biomancy powers would be very fun too.


A DP with black mace seems like fun as long as you don't roll a one with the daemon weapon.


Minigun defilers are always fun!

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In the games I've played thus far, two of the most unpopular units, the Helbrute and Possessed, have proved to be extremely fun; the first for its unpredictability (my regular opponent looked shocked when he shot the thing and it just shrugged it off, snarled, rampaged into his Space Marines and tore a goodly portion of the squad to pulp and ceramite splinters, the latter for their psychological effect. Maybe it's just because of the way I've modelled mine, but my opponents always seem scared of them for some reason, throwing all sorts of fire power their way. Makes for a great distraction! Also, if, as and when they do get up close and personal, they generally do the business (especially since mine are Slaaneshi and carry the Icon of Excess :lol: ).


Also, I can't emphasise the fun factor of Gift of Mutation and the Chaos Boon Table in general enough; thus far, though my experience with the new codex is limited, it has been more than worth the extra points simply for the fun factor. I am certainly going to have to paint up some more chaos spawn and daemon prince models, but that's no particular problem; I've actually been quite inspired to start creating specific "daemon prince" versions of all my characters, just as a personal project to see what they'd actually be like if they attained immortality.


As for that Dimensional Key artefact, it's just evil; it's one of those rare items that doesn't necessarily break the game, but can dramatically alter the dynamic of how a game flows, as it necessarily dictates tactics and strategy on both sides when activated.

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Someone on this board came up with the idea of 15 Chaos Spawns with a Khorne Lord on a Juggernaut.

Looking pretty damn funny to me.










I miss my Chaos Lord on a bike with two Chaos Hounds...


Hey.. I just had a similar idea... I mentioned it in the topic about mauler/forgr fiends. :)

I was just talking about the Lord+ spawns in a single unit but we can always add more units.


I'd like to know if it is also competitive. It will be fun for sure.

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Multi task horror, which if it survives initial enemy shooting, is surely going to make an impression on the field of battle.


I love this set up, but too expensive for most lists, so can`t be used regularly.


Deamon Prince, tzeentch, wings, power armour, mastery lv 3, boon, spell familiar, mace:365

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Multi task horror, which if it survives initial enemy shooting, is surely going to make an impression on the field of battle.


I love this set up, but too expensive for most lists, so can`t be used regularly.


Deamon Prince, tzeentch, wings, power armour, mastery lv 3, boon, spell familiar, mace:365


How do you model the black mace on a DP? The plastic kit has a sowrd and an axe only.

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Multi task horror, which if it survives initial enemy shooting, is surely going to make an impression on the field of battle.

I love this set up, but too expensive for most lists, so can`t be used regularly.

Deamon Prince, tzeentch, wings, power armour, mastery lv 3, boon, spell familiar, mace:365

How do you model the black mace on a DP? The plastic kit has a sowrd and an axe only.

My Tzeentchian DP has an arm with a long flailing spiky tentacle, and thats a decent enough "counts as" for people I play against ;)

That guy: gallery_68542_7762_249429.jpg

Painting of models is nothing amazing, I know, I know. It`s not what I excell with in life ;)

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I can second the Flying Prince with Mace, he's incredible. And the Heldrake with flamer is crazy good.


Another one is the Daemon Forge. It's great to have a 'it must die this turn' button.


Daemon weapons in general are the nuts. The Murder Sword is a bit gimmicky but boy is it fun. Oh you brought Mephiston? That's cute.

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Tried Three HellRake proxies (yes rakes! - as having dragons in 40K are just as silly) in a 2K list. Not very strong in the grand scheme of things but they were fun to field. WOOOSH! :lol:

Fixed that for you before the Admin tell you off for using offensive language ;) .

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Warp Talons! I use them as a distraction and they work perfectly! Drops and blinds the guys, making them quite useless in opponents turn, then butcher the unit and their job is over! Used in 6 games now, never misshapped, never came later then in second turn.
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Warp Talons! I use them as a distraction and they work perfectly! Drops and blinds the guys, making them quite useless in opponents turn, then butcher the unit and their job is over! Used in 6 games now, never misshapped, never came later then in second turn.

And here I thought the math-hammer said they were useless. ;)

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My Tzeentchian DP has an arm with a long flailing spiky tentacle, and thats a decent enough "counts as" for people I play against :)


At the LGS I frequent players are very tolerant when it comes to "counts as" so it wouldn't be a problem to find several "surrogates". I'd just like to find a way to give the DP a real mace for modelling and fluff reasons :)

In the meantime "counts as" are good to allow my me to play it.

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My Tzeentchian DP has an arm with a long flailing spiky tentacle, and thats a decent enough "counts as" for people I play against :D


At the LGS I frequent players are very tolerant when it comes to "counts as" so it wouldn't be a problem to find several "surrogates". I'd just like to find a way to give the DP a real mace for modelling and fluff reasons :P

In the meantime "counts as" are good to allow my me to play it.


It's always been part of the fluff that daemon weapons can be any size or shape. With that in mind, really no one can claim WYSIWYG against daemon weapons I don't think.

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True, but "Mace" gives an idea of at least a specific shape: big an blunt. Personally, you could walk in with a rapier, call a Black Mace and I wouldn't care. But I'm betting there are people who would.


Meh, my Daemon prince has a limb that functions exactly like a flail according to the model, so I don`t really see the issue. Doubt there are even many tournaments that would give me trouble with that. Sure, the mace is a limb and not a metal pole, but must they all look the same? I feel I have a more than decent "counts as" to be honest.

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Like I said, I don't care. Unfortunately, I'm not everyone else. Or maybe that's the fortunate part...


Heh, thankfully never met such people.

As the arm of my DP is modeled as a flail, and a flail is a form of mace (swiss morning star mace is actually a flail for instance, as this was an evolution to the mace in the 12-13 century in Europe (asian weapons have the same traits, but tend to be less focused on denting heavy knights armour), to counter Norman heavy cavalry armour, as the chains linking the metal heads, brings forth more physical force when struck (also a far more difficult weapon to wield, but flails were typically used by trained knights or professional soldiery).


Not saying it`s perfect, or that my model is even very nicely painted (It`s not my fortè in life), but I dont see how anyone can refuse to play against that prince...

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