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Chosen of Khorne


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I was toying with this idea and wanted to know what everyone else thought of it.


6 Chosen of Khorne - 120

5 Flamers - 25

Power weapon on champion - 15

Rhino - 35

VotLW - 12

TOTAL - 207


OK so this is a very basic load out.


The idea is this:


The unit tears forward in the Rhino and jumps out toasting a nearby unit (hitting about 15 models).

If they charge they get 5 attacks each.

If they get charged, they can unleash 5D3 flamer hits, then counter attack getting 4 attacks each.

If they get shot at, well they might all die.


Yeah ok, so it's probably a one trick pony but I think it could be worth it just for the number of flamer templates. and the panic that they could cause.


Thoughts people?

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If they get shot at, well they might all die.

Unfortunately, that is probably the first thing opponents will do when they see a unit like this.

The rhino is a liability because even if it survives for a round, any problems like shaken or stunned will hamper the occupants.

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I like it. Might throw a meltagun in just to make them a two trick pony.


You could do a cheaper option with havocs:

6 havocs: 88pts

cc. weapons: 10pts

4 flamers: 20pts

combiflamer: 10pts

power weapon: 15pts

mark of khorne: 12pts

VotLW: 6pts

Rhino: 35pts

190pts - although not much of a saving considering the fewer attacks, could throw IoW at them too for a 210pt total lol.

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Almost the same can be achieved with havocs, for fewer points and more bodies.


-6 Havoc (4 flamer, MoK, VotLW, PW) 141

-Rhino 35


Total 176 points.


I though about that unit for my future NL army, because chosen are so expensive. But I like the idea :lol:

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Mmm, looks toasty :D


Since Chosen are essentially a unit of Aspiring champions, I wish that if you marked them, they gained the equilivent Aspiring Champion statlines (Ws5 for Khorne Mark, Mastery level 1 4++ invulnerable save, Force Weapon Brotherhood of Sorcerers for MoT, Doomsirens Fus-Ro-Dah shenegans for MoS, -1 Initiative, +1 Toughness FNP Plague Champs.)


They'd be so much more worth their points.

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