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Can a PA Chaos Lord actually take 2 Lightening Claws?


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Im in a bit of a quandry. The Melee weapons section of the wargear list says:


A model may replace his bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following:


Lightening Claw....................xxpts


Does this mean I can swap:


my bolt pistol for a claw OR my CCW for a claw OR both for a claw.


The BP or CCW for one of the following is a bit confusing.


It would make sense to be able to swap the bp for a claw and the ccw for a claw, but the rules don't seem to allow it.


Or am I being dumb?

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In every codex I've ever seen then that wording means that you can take two things from the list, by replacing both weapons, so most people play it like that, as we're pretty sure its RAI. even GW wouldn't give you the option of swapping one or both of your weapons for a single new one, would they??


RAW both sides have a valid argument, so no-one can really pull anything on you, as you just say that it can also be read your way, and carry on playing.

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Yeah, you can either swap one of the weapons for a lightning claw OR both of the weapons each for a lightning claw.


Process goes:

1. swap close combat weapon for lightning claw.

2. swap bolt pistol for lightning claw.

3. Your Lord has a pair of lightning claws; 30pts. Wahey!



They won't sell many of these otherwise! http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...Id=prod1710110a

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or for 10 pts more, he can swap for a fist and a claw as discussed in another thread and have all the benefits of both with out losing the +1 attack.

which after reading the "Specialist Weapon" rules for 6th ed, I'd been hoping we'd get the option, very happy we do

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