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Lord Commander Eidolon


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Hey eveyone it is me again and a have another question but this one is kind of more opinion based. Now i am sure this has already been asked so please just direct me to the right area if this is the second post talking about Eidolon's death. Now I personally liked him but for his warrior aspects not his poor attitude towards his betters and also i didnt like how this guy(One of the TOP 2 lord commanders) is just a unlucky or poor skilled tactican. Now with that said I would like to say i was to shocked that Fulgrim killed him i am more shocked he was killed because there are sources of him in 40k. Now his death is most likely part of the new lore but i wanted to ask you guys what you think? Do you think Eidolon may come back to life some how or do you think he is dead for good?


Also i would like to say i am sorry to annoy who has read any of my older posts. Alot of them are opinion based of not very interesting topics and i guess my only excuse is that i am like a sponge and i desire more knowledge as fast as possible and i like to ask other fans of this hobby what they know. So if i ever ask a dumb question just tell me i am pretty laid back :D haha

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Well, yes he died in that short story BUT he had already become a disciple to Slaanesh at that point and we all know that the fickle Chaos Gods sometimes return their favourite pawns to life (see Eliphas and urm Lucius).

So maybe these other sources are also true and Eidolon does indeed return to life at some point

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Here's what Index Astartes has to say about him:

Lord Eidolon was the first Space Marine selected by Fulgrim to lead an entire company of the Emperors Children, and was commonly regarded as the most proficient of all the Lord Commanders. Until the corruption of the Legion, Eidolon dedicated himself to mastering all aspects of warfare. His troops fought equally well in sieges, holding actions, rapid strikes and gruelling campaigns, never displaying any inexperience or inefficiency no matter what was demanded of them.


Eidolon regarded Fulgrim as a father in the literal sense, considering his bond of gene-seed to be as strong as true parentage. Though he accepted that he could never equal the Primarch in power. Eidolon nevertheless spent every waking moment studying Fulgrim's tactics and strategies, his writings and orations, in the hope of being as close to his leader's perfection as he could possibly become. Despite considerable effort, scholars in the service of the Inquisition have been unable to determine whether or not Eidolon survived the Siege of Terra. Unsubstantiated rumours claim that Eidolon is responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of gruesome raids on Imperial worlds in the past ten thousand years, and have suggested he may have served as lieutenant to Abaddon the Despoiler, consort to Queen Sylelle and champion of the Daemon Prince N'Kari. No Inquisitor has yet succeeded in locating the source of these rumours, but. without undisputable evidence, the Inquisition will not declare Eidolon dead.

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Here's what Index Astartes has to say about him:


I remember reading that from the singular IA book I actually owned.


One way I think the "old fluff" can be reconciled with the "new fluff" is that maybe an EC commander assumed the name of Eidolon so that if messages were intercepted by loyalist forces, they would have some fear knowing they were fighting someone of Eidolon's caliber. My gist is Eidolon is Spartacus.

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Well there's this man named Lucius. He never dies. And there's another one, Khârn, he never dies either.


Actually, let me rephrase that. Neither one stays dead. If two people can do it, why not a third?


From reading some discussions in the past, people like Lucius and Khârn are kind of standard bearers for their prospective gods, whereas their primarchs have been elevated and in a way are actually stagnating compared to these individuals. Fulgrim hasn't done much off of his daemon world, and Angron has led a few incursions but is limited by his daemonic nature by banishment.


For Lucius vs Eidolon, when comparing BL fluff it's obvius, to me, that Lucius has been earmarked by Slaanesh weeeel early on before he actually turns on Istvaan V. If you really look at Lucius in the HH heresy novels, I think he is one of the EC who, without reservation, throws himself into Slaaneshi pursuits. Eidolon at one point balks at being modified by Fabius Bile, but has no choice in the matter.


I think in this situation Eidolon being dead also makes sense, as from that entire short story Fulgrim was testing his own men. My takeaway was that Fulgrim was willing to do anything provided it gave him a new experience. How many times has Fulgrim killed one of his seconds before offing Eidolon?

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