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Plasma pistols


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1. They look great. They're also distinctive (to set a model apart) and offer the chance to add a new colour for the model (with the gun's spinal magnetic coils).

2. Lore-wise, they're immensely valuable and have the weight of rarity, antiquity, and authority.

3. They're cool to describe in your army's fiction.


These are all fine reasons, and if you know they're bad and understand that, and still want to use a couple for aesthetic purposes, I can understand that. But even in casual games, you can still only take aesthetically cool but painfully points inefficient choices so many times before the army stops working and the game stops being fun. I typically budget about 10% of my army for 'fluff' choices that don't have to be efficient, so long as they're not completely points efficient. In the new books, this might be things like possessed or warp talons or the like. But there are several such 'cool but not exactly worth it' options in this book, and plasma pistols are probably not what I'd opt to spend my 'rule of cool' budget on.


Same. These days, Gift of Mutation especially.

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The plasma pistols in the basic CSM kit are some of the coolest looking guns in 40k and the ones in the raptor kit are jaw-dropping so I think it'll be very hard for me to resist trying them out even though logically I think they're a completely horrible investment. I'll be magnetizing them, though.
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1. They look great. They're also distinctive (to set a model apart) and offer the chance to add a new colour for the model (with the gun's spinal magnetic coils).

2. Lore-wise, they're immensely valuable and have the weight of rarity, antiquity, and authority.

3. They're cool to describe in your army's fiction.


These are all fine reasons, and if you know they're bad and understand that, and still want to use a couple for aesthetic purposes, I can understand that. But even in casual games, you can still only take aesthetically cool but painfully points inefficient choices so many times before the army stops working and the game stops being fun. I typically budget about 10% of my army for 'fluff' choices that don't have to be efficient, so long as they're not completely points efficient. In the new books, this might be things like possessed or warp talons or the like. But there are several such 'cool but not exactly worth it' options in this book, and plasma pistols are probably not what I'd opt to spend my 'rule of cool' budget on.


Same. These days, Gift of Mutation especially.


Gift of mutation is not comparable to Plasma pistols though. Gifts are usually worth their points, while plasma pistols almost never ever so.

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1. They look great. They're also distinctive (to set a model apart) and offer the chance to add a new colour for the model (with the gun's spinal magnetic coils).

2. Lore-wise, they're immensely valuable and have the weight of rarity, antiquity, and authority.

3. They're cool to describe in your army's fiction.


These are all fine reasons, and if you know they're bad and understand that, and still want to use a couple for aesthetic purposes, I can understand that. But even in casual games, you can still only take aesthetically cool but painfully points inefficient choices so many times before the army stops working and the game stops being fun. I typically budget about 10% of my army for 'fluff' choices that don't have to be efficient, so long as they're not completely points efficient. In the new books, this might be things like possessed or warp talons or the like. But there are several such 'cool but not exactly worth it' options in this book, and plasma pistols are probably not what I'd opt to spend my 'rule of cool' budget on.


Same. These days, Gift of Mutation especially.


Gift of mutation is not comparable to Plasma pistols though. Gifts are usually worth their points, while plasma pistols almost never ever so.


That's exactly my point. It's why I did a list saying "Plasma pistols are insanely expensive and not worth it."

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1. They look great. They're also distinctive (to set a model apart) and offer the chance to add a new colour for the model (with the gun's spinal magnetic coils).

2. Lore-wise, they're immensely valuable and have the weight of rarity, antiquity, and authority.

3. They're cool to describe in your army's fiction.


These are all fine reasons, and if you know they're bad and understand that, and still want to use a couple for aesthetic purposes, I can understand that. But even in casual games, you can still only take aesthetically cool but painfully points inefficient choices so many times before the army stops working and the game stops being fun. I typically budget about 10% of my army for 'fluff' choices that don't have to be efficient, so long as they're not completely points efficient. In the new books, this might be things like possessed or warp talons or the like. But there are several such 'cool but not exactly worth it' options in this book, and plasma pistols are probably not what I'd opt to spend my 'rule of cool' budget on.


Same. These days, Gift of Mutation especially.


Gift of mutation is not comparable to Plasma pistols though. Gifts are usually worth their points, while plasma pistols almost never ever so.


That's exactly my point. It's why I did a list saying "Plasma pistols are insanely expensive and not worth it."


Mental shortcut apparantly and thus a minsunderstanding, so my apologies.

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Mental shortcut apparantly and thus a minsunderstanding, so my apologies.




Lol, I was not "in character at the time". You filthy bastard whoreson of the apathic and most useless excuse for Primarch our father ever was forced to march with. To give up and just lay down to die, like your pathetich Primarch did, is an even greater disgrace for an astartes than if one were cursed with the seed of the neanderthal hound, Dorn (last sentence said with burst of spittle and disgust betraying that the speaker is not entirely truthful). *Rant goes on for a while, with more focus on the sons of Dorn, Curze and the Nightlords rather quickly forgotten*


Edit: My Legion yearns for you or Abnet to decide to write a Post-heresy saga of 10-12 tomes depicting their perfect methodology and obvious superiority in the arts of warfare. In time, even your tomes honouring the dogs of Curze would be forgiven if our glory would be depicted in....proper ways (though my Warsmith regrets to inform you that it would be rather vital that he was to play a significant role, lest you would meet the Gods slightly too early).


Seriously though, do you have any non-Nightlord novels focusing on chaos remnant forces/legions in mind for the future? Not that I would not like to read Nightlord novels of course, but I am curious.

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I was just looking at the raptor's entry in the codex. Why would anyone ever take a plasma pistol there? They can take a meltagun for 10pts, still keep their bp/ccw for the extra attack in cc, and the meltagun is better than a plasma pistol.


Mmm, yes... In truth, it does not make any sense. This was one of the things I had hoped would be altered from the Gav dex to the new, but...


Still very happy with the new codex, but it does have its lows, and there is no denying that.

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Page 52. of the rulebook, right under the pistol weapons entry



All models with two pistols can fire both in the Shooting phase.

This follows the normal rules for shooting.


I wish that went off modeling, because I got a squad of 'Gunzerkers'. Boy that'd be a surprise for the badguys.


In most of the army list I've read, it's said specifically 'replace bolt pistol with plasma pistol' leaving the ccw...at least with Chosen and the like.

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