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Noise Marines in undivided context

The Prophet

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In volume of fire they are way ahead. Ignoring cover is pretty nice vs 5+ like guard and blastmaster is ap 3. Im taking that sorcerer anyway as Biomancy for buffs and debuffs, which has been amazing for me every game, sometimes hes just a buff machine others a combat monster. Terminator armor is cheap on sorc and he gives a better Deny the Witch save to the unit he is with(which is not usually the unit im buffing but a squad of terminators or CSM). And that like i said was more the gravy on the top. Most of the time 24 inch range works out fine as most games are objective based and there will be incentive for your opponent to come into your zone or at least hit mid table. This is plasma gun edition and its range is 24 so you can expect others who have them to at least move into that range alot of the time. Plus those games you do get endurance these guys will be nuts.
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I'm not sure if this is legal/possible, but how about outflanking them with a Chaos Lord/Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh?

Yes it's a big investment, but Acute Senses means they will usually enter on the edge you want them too, and the Lord can always use his speed and charge something the next turn, while being protected by the Noise Marines on the turn they enter play, while the Noise Marines themselves shoot something. Your opponent is bound to have something worth shooting within 18" of either table-edge.

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