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Blood Slaughterer


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Right, this is a FW beastie that you can take in 3's per Heavy Support slot; cost is 5 points more than a Maulerfiend. I'm guessing the rules may be slightly changed in the future because it's version of Rage is not the codex/6th version anymore. Has the same number of Hullpoints, same save, better WS than the Fiend and gets D3 extra attacks on the charge. As yet, thought, it doesn't have Fleet, Move through Cover or Won't Die! rules as the Fiend does.


Thinking of running 2 as a screen heading for either the centre or a flank of the other force with a mob of Berzerkers to clean up what's left, just for the face-wreck potential.


Good idea or mad on it's head?

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Actually since the 6th errata from FW the BS got the Deamon rule, and it has the fleet rule.


Its a good machine i did a few times used 1-2, but in the end they are CC specialist Dreads with Possession.


I rather think that a mix of BloodSlaughterer and Maulerfiend could be good...


A Mauler with mecaflagellum and 2 BS would be a terrifying Deamon engines assault force.


And all this for a 390 pts budget and 2 HS slots.

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I have that model. One thing to remember is you have to buy a unit of Bezerkers in order field it. That may not be a big deal in the all Khorne army but it meant I had to paint a squad of bezerkers before I even assembled the Blood Slaughter, it is still unassembled. I'm just not that excited about it in 6th. I wanna to a BFTBG charge, but I think the way to do it is with Raptors. You can either Deep Strike and then charge or just jump across the field.


If it was a squad with MoK then I'd consider it more, but at 1500 points, I'd rather of Khorne Raptors or even Khorne Terminators for my Elite squad. I've run a Lord with Mark of Khorne before, but in the new codex I'd rather have Plaguemarines or Noisemarines as troops.


I've toyed with the idea of filling a Storm Eagle with Bezerkers, but I think it would become the biggest target in the skies, so I'm thinking of compromising and putting cultists in it instead.


I'm also pro-gun. Many units in the new Chaos Codex have no guns, Possessed, Maulers, Warp Talons, even Chosen and Terminators can have no gun, so if your goal is to never shoot, Blood Slaughterer is another option to the gunless army, but I think in the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millennium having a gun is a good idea. So I'd take a Defiler over the Blood Slaughter, plus it is painted. What is painted is attractive, I've painted so many models and by the time I get them done, the rules change...

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