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Chaos Space Marines are...


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Aunque hoy fue mi primer juego de sexta y me fue mal, estoy convencido en un 85% que los Chaos Space Marines son un ejército de horda! Los rhinos quedarán solo para unidades como los Chosen y los Berzerkers... aún así puede que sean mejor 16 Berzerkers a pie...

Although today was my first game, I'm 85% convinced that the Chaos Space Marines are a horde army! The rhinos will only drive the Chosen and Berzerkers ... And can still be better 16 Berzerkers walking...


6ta ha hecho con los HP a los vehículos muy vulnerable... solo podemos considerar blindajes 13 y 14...

The 6th done with HP very vulnerable vehicles ... we can only consider armour of 13 and 14 ...


Por otro lado los voladores son toda... En definitiva la armada caótica casi perfecta será aquella que sea una combinación de grandes unidades a pie con un buen apoyo aéreo y unidades con antiaéreos....

On the other hand the flyers are all ... Ultimately chaotic force is a combination of large units on foot with a good air support and anti-aircraft units...


Los Oblis siguen cayendo fácilmente con la saturación de disparos aperas de su salve de 2+/5+ y su T5 con la marca de nurgle...

The Oblis keep falling easily with saturation of shoots, despite his save 2+ / 5+ and the T5 with the mark of Nurgle...


Además los vehículos más potentes en disparo (Defilers y Forgefiends) son muy caros, aunque por lo menos el Defilers con sus 4 HP puede que haga bastante daño!

Besides the most powerful vehicles (Defilers and Forgefiends) are very expensive, but at least with 4 HP of Defilers can do enough damage!


So Chaos Space Marines are a horde army!

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Not sure I agree with you. I think we can be a horde army, but many armies will still consist of general marines more than cultists.


By the way, I would like to give you some friendly advice ^_^


It is no problem reading your post or understanding anything you write for me, nor for the vast majority of people here (I hope), but you should still take a look at your sentence structuring and edit your post a little bit.


Best regards, Iron sage

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It is no problem reading your post or understanding anything you write for me, nor for the vast majority of people here (I hope), but you should still take a look at your sentence structuring and edit your post a little bit.


Sorry about that, my english is to bad!!! I can read it but write...



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It is no problem reading your post or understanding anything you write for me, nor for the vast majority of people here (I hope), but you should still take a look at your sentence structuring and edit your post a little bit.


Sorry about that, my english is to bad!!! I can read it but write...




No worries, it`s good enough ^_^


You should still try to have some lines of space between your Spanish text and your English though, as it makes it easier to read for those who can`t read Spanish, Portugese or italian.

No big deal though, but I suspect you will get more responses on your thread if you make your post slightly easier to read for those who only skim through threads fast :D

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No worries, it`s good enough ^_^


You should still try to have some lines of space between your Spanish text and your English though, as it makes it easier to read for those who can`t read Spanish, Portugese or italian.

No big deal though, but I suspect you will get more responses on your thread if you make your post slightly easier to read for those who only skim through threads fast :D


Good advise!

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"Horde" without context means nothing. You can have Mass amounts of Light Infantry (5+ Sv or 4+ Sv w/single wound), Mass amounts of Medium Infantry (3+ Sv or 4+ Sv w/multiwounds), Mass amounts of Heavy Infantry (2+ Sv), etc etc etc. 'Mass' here is defined within the context of point-cost, so Mass Heavy Infantry (ala Deathwing) means 20+ models, whereas Mass Light Infantry means 100+ models (and also within context of the point-size of the game).


That being said, I will find it greatly interesting if the new Chaos represents what a Mass Medium Infantry codex should truly look like on the tabletop. Since they picked up no new transports, their Troop selections are limited to Rhinos or Land Raiders which means mobility is an issue unless Raptors or Bikes are utilized as Fixing forces.

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"Horde" without context means nothing. You can have Mass amounts of Light Infantry (5+ Sv or 4+ Sv w/single wound), Mass amounts of Medium Infantry (3+ Sv or 4+ Sv w/multiwounds), Mass amounts of Heavy Infantry (2+ Sv), etc etc etc. 'Mass' here is defined within the context of point-cost, so Mass Heavy Infantry (ala Deathwing) means 20+ models, whereas Mass Light Infantry means 100+ models (and also within context of the point-size of the game).


Minimum I'll use 10 Terminators to use with Abaddon... 2x35 cultis (autoguns - auto pistols combination), 2x10 Chosen (with rhinos), 2x20 CSM 2x10 Havocs (missile flakk autocannon combination) 1x12 Noise Marines (Sonic blaster and Blastmaster), 1x14 Plague Marines, 1 Heldrakes, 1x3 Blight Drones (or less), 1 Hell Blade, and 1 Hell Talon. That is more than 2.5K


Jejeje.... something like that! XD

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It is no problem reading your post or understanding anything you write for me, nor for the vast majority of people here (I hope), but you should still take a look at your sentence structuring and edit your post a little bit.


Sorry about that, my english is to bad!!! I can read it but write...



no problemo man . I write tworse then you and have 0 problems with understanding you . Yes they are a horde army . foot actualy works better , then mecha .where better is more smooth , with fewer risks , less reliant on random factors etc.

the fact that our support section switched from 4 meq in termi armor to 5-8 dudes in power armor , that we run bikers etc does give us a more horde feel .

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I fully agree, our strengths are in our infantry troops and perhaps some biker squads.


The more list I write, the more I want chosen, the more I want to play abaddon, the more I am willing to make the new Angron model count as Abaddon and use pre-heresy World Eaters as the army.



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I fully agree, our strengths are in our infantry troops and perhaps some biker squads.


The more list I write, the more I want chosen, the more I want to play abaddon, the more I am willing to make the new Angron model count as Abaddon and use pre-heresy World Eaters as the army.




Good plan :rolleyes: but if you hold off for a short while Abaddon will be available from FW anyway. Simon Egan has almost finished Abby and Loken is not too far off - these are coming in one kit -but was not complete enough to be shown at Games Day.

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It is no problem reading your post or understanding anything you write for me, nor for the vast majority of people here (I hope), but you should still take a look at your sentence structuring and edit your post a little bit.


Sorry about that, my english is to bad!!! I can read it but write...




No worries, it`s good enough :devil:


You should still try to have some lines of space between your Spanish text and your English though, as it makes it easier to read for those who can`t read Spanish, Portugese or italian.

No big deal though, but I suspect you will get more responses on your thread if you make your post slightly easier to read for those who only skim through threads fast :)



I had absolutely no problem reading the text. I appreciate the fact you took the time to *translate* it as I can only cut and paste so many times lol. I too am a bad poster as I often do not remember to leave space between lines and make word walls.

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Slightly off topic, but if I were just starting out Chaos Space Marines, I'd embrace the horde concept, and have 15+ man unit sizes with Forgefiends. And I'd convert, model and paint them up like the Locust Horde from the Gears of War games. The new art direction certainly lends itself to that...technorganic monster look.


A Forgefiend is a Brumak, just like a Defiler can be converted into a Corpser. A Hellbrute is a Beserker and even kind of looks like one (the DV model that is). Choppy Oblits = Maulers, Shooty Oblits = Grinders/Flamers/Boomers. If you could put a Dark Apostle on a disk of Tzeentch, and give him another CCW/PW he'd be Skorge, with a Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor and Mark of Nurgle (or ye old standby of Typhus) would be Raam, possessed would be the mutant bastards you had to chainsaw to kill.


The ATSKNF space marines would be in smaller squads (like Gears) in comparison to the 'quantity' squads of guys, which would look nice on a display board particularly if the Chaos were painted a Dark steel and Red color against Loyalists painted in a black and Blue color surrounded and being overrun next to a downed storm raven and blown out Drednought.


Call it "Brothers to the End" and have Delta Squad as Grey Hunters with a few Grey Knights and a female inquisitor. Golden Daemon Winner.

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Slightly off topic, but if I were just starting out Chaos Space Marines, I'd embrace the horde concept, and have 15+ man unit sizes with Forgefiends. And I'd convert, model and paint them up like the Locust Horde from the Gears of War games. The new art direction certainly lends itself to that...technorganic monster look.


A Forgefiend is a Brumak, just like a Defiler can be converted into a Corpser. A Hellbrute is a Beserker and even kind of looks like one (the DV model that is). Choppy Oblits = Maulers, Shooty Oblits = Grinders/Flamers/Boomers. If you could put a Dark Apostle on a disk of Tzeentch, and give him another CCW/PW he'd be Skorge, with a Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor and Mark of Nurgle (or ye old standby of Typhus) would be Raam, possessed would be the mutant bastards you had to chainsaw to kill.


The ATSKNF space marines would be in smaller squads (like Gears) in comparison to the 'quantity' squads of guys, which would look nice on a display board particularly if the Chaos were painted a Dark steel and Red color against Loyalists painted in a black and Blue color surrounded and being overrun next to a downed storm raven and blown out Drednought.


Call it "Brothers to the End" and have Delta Squad as Grey Hunters with a few Grey Knights and a female inquisitor. Golden Daemon Winner.



So I'm not the only one to think of doing a Locust army? Good to know. If I could afford to, I'd make it in addition to what I have planned, but with all the kitbashing and greenstuffing I'm going to need to do for my other "variant" Chaos army, I probably won't have the money to do Locust too. I don't want to give it away until I have some models ready to post pics of, but hopefully it turns out awesome.

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