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A question I need help with


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So with the new Dex out I was really toying with the idea of starting a Chaos army. No I'm a huge salamanders fan, and well I was going to do my Chaos army as, what if the Salamanders had turned after/during the heresy. Now I found the Dark Redemption pic of them online, and was pretty impressed. But what threw me was the idea of them being the Nurgal Army?? Just doesn't seem to fit their style. So I would like opinions on based on fluff and what not, Which chaos god would they align with and why??
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Reasons for Nurgle: steadfastness and nigh-on fatalistic prgamatism would lead easily to nurgle's despair, and nurgle's "kindness and generosity" would work well w/ salamader compassion. Add to that the idea of salamaders being "slower" than other marines, endurance to pain and trials/difficulties, leads them well to plague-y-marine-ness.


Khorne: Preference for close to mid-range combat, kill,maim,BURN anyone? Honour for combat and such


Slaanesh: Seek perfection in forgecraft, purifying/cleansing power of pain for them could easily shift to masochism(like in Tsu'gan from the tome of fire series), very Slaanesh-y


Really Tzeentch is the only one I don't see being a good fit, though I feel nurgle does fit them best, even though Khorne is my favorite god(though like any good bearer of the word I love them all) and I love salamanders and will one day make a super-pretty salamander army as they are my favorite chapter/legion loyalist or otherwise. Ultimately your choice though

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Well, I really suggest you to read Blood Gorgons, http://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/b...gons-ebook.html, it depicts undivided warband still preserving some interesting thematics. I think that something similar would be the best option for traitor salamanders.


Also, have you seen how GW depicts Alpha Legion lately? Check it out in new codex, page 76, bottom left pic. They are foggin evil salamanders already!!

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Well, I really suggest you to read Blood Gorgons, http://www.blacklibrary.com/all-products/b...gons-ebook.html, it depicts undivided warband still preserving some interesting thematics. I think that something similar would be the best option for traitor salamanders.


Also, have you seen how GW depicts Alpha Legion lately? Check it out in new codex, page 76, bottom left pic. They are foggin evil salamanders already!!

Fair enough. I did love the Blood Gorgons, they do seem like a fairly appropriate fit, though I can't much put my finger on why. Alpha legion has kinda been depicted like that here and there fore a while, I've considered using FW alphga legion bits in addition to FW and Chapterhouse salamander bits to add more variety when I get around to my Salamander army(w/allies in 6th, and new codex, that project is on indefinite hiatus). Mind fluff-wise alpha legion is a terrible fit for Salamanders.

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Go un-marked with a force lead by abaddon.


The Chosen are actually really price worthy if you stay away from any marks or the veteran upgrade. 10 Chosen with 4 flamers and a PW champ in a rino is only 250p and they are a brutal midrange unit with 3 attacks(4 charging) in CC. As long as you don't go crazy with upgrades I think focusing on Chosen, Termis, Cultists, Bikes and Havocs will give you a really solid, all-round army. And will work with the Salamanders fluff as well.

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