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My Forge Fiend


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I'm still hard at work trying to get 1500 points of Iron Warriors painted in time for the Mechanicon.

I am getting very close now, just 10 Cultists to paint, and the army is set. Then if time permits, I'll work on some objective markers.

Anyway, here is my latest addition to the Army




Of course any comments are more than welcome.

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I did think of gold, Jeske, but am deliberately staying away from that color in this army as I feel it's overdone.


I may go back and do some more detail work on the model to break it up a bit more, but I felt the flesh tones and red broke it up well enough.

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I think it looks great.


Also, there is 0 simmilarity between that thing a dinosaur, considering there is no repitle head at all.


True, they are reptilian, but they are designed to look scary to humans by warpsmiths after all, and obviously the daemon would then be forged into the shape of a frightening animal/mythical beast of legend (like the drake that everyone is complaining about looking like a mythical dragon, for some very odd reason that has nothing to do with fluff even though they seek to claim so, since nothing would be more fluffy than forging daemonic warp beasts out of mankinds legends in the first place )

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I did think of gold, Jeske, but am deliberately staying away from that color in this army as I feel it's overdone.


I may go back and do some more detail work on the model to break it up a bit more, but I felt the flesh tones and red broke it up well enough.



how about copper/bronze or combination of copper and the skulls motifs painted as [here am hit language barrier] skulls.


all adding some of the black/yellow stripes on the parts of the pipes that had been patch worked .


the exhausts of the pipes painted in burned/smoked red would look awesome too . But anyway it is a taste thing. I like the flesh done on the models , GW painted their fiends realy bad.


Also, there is 0 simmilarity between that thing a dinosaur, considering there is no repitle head at all.

they look like dinobots to me , you guys call them zords maybe . US naming of stuff in cartoons is confusing as hell .

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Also, there is 0 simmilarity between that thing a dinosaur, considering there is no repitle head at all.

they look like dinobots to me , you guys call them zords maybe . US naming of stuff in cartoons is confusing as hell .

Zords were Power Rangers. Thank the Japanese for the names on that one. Dinobots are transformers. And it is a loose similarity, but it is one I see. Take the Forgefiend. Keep the normal head, get rid of the hind legs with hooves, shorten the barrels of the arm weapons in half and get rid of the tongue.. It looks a little like Grimlock now.(Who has no reptile head, just metal) Compare him to the red T-rex zord from the original power rangers, there is another resemblance. Take the Maulerfiend. Straighten the from arms out, drop the tentacles, stretch out the neck and angle it up. You now have Toxic from the Dinobots and just about every longneck zord in Power Rangers(I remember two or three of them). Like I said, it is a very loose similarity and there's definitely the "robots made to look like animals" theme happening, which is part of the daemon engine theme. Personally, I like the look. Makes me feel nostalgic about being a kid.

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Also, there is 0 simmilarity between that thing a dinosaur, considering there is no repitle head at all.

they look like dinobots to me , you guys call them zords maybe . US naming of stuff in cartoons is confusing as hell .





Also, well done sir, very nice indeed.

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I did think of gold, Jeske, but am deliberately staying away from that color in this army as I feel it's overdone.


I may go back and do some more detail work on the model to break it up a bit more, but I felt the flesh tones and red broke it up well enough.



how about copper/bronze or combination of copper and the skulls motifs painted as [here am hit language barrier] skulls.


all adding some of the black/yellow stripes on the parts of the pipes that had been patch worked .


the exhausts of the pipes painted in burned/smoked red would look awesome too . But anyway it is a taste thing. I like the flesh done on the models , GW painted their fiends realy bad.


Also, there is 0 simmilarity between that thing a dinosaur, considering there is no repitle head at all.

they look like dinobots to me , you guys call them zords maybe . US naming of stuff in cartoons is confusing as hell .



Never heard of either dinobots or zords. I am hardly American either, of which I am grateful most of the time I might add.


Did I miss anything particularly interesting concerning these "dinobots"? I always thought people were speaking about dinosaur with the "dinobot" thing.

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I seriously don't see the resemblence to Dinobots...


same here. Seems far more manga / final fantasyesque to me

Like I said, a loose reference. Especially since Transformers were originally based off of a Japanese toyline. Look up "Microman" and "Diaclone".

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Look up "Microman" and "Diaclone".

Don't need to, I remember them quite well still...


[Edit]: And I don't really see the comparison to dinobots as a negative thing at all anyway, they were awesome!


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Look up "Microman" and "Diaclone".

Don't need to, I remember them quite well still...

You old fart. That was before my time! Literally! Still, there's your basis for all Japanese Mecha so I guess you can call Transformers the "cousins" to mecha since they were made from Diaclones and Micromen and if there's a resemblance to Mecha, then there is a resemblance, no matter how loose, to Transformers so it still exists so it's not entirely too unreasonable for one to see it.


Back to CSM, that is nice looking. Never really thought about how silver and red would go together like that. Looks good.

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good grief, I do think that head is on upside down...


I am just used to those plasma coils being on top of the weapon all the time I guess, I didn't really notice.


Hmm... tried to pull it off to fix it, its on there permanently, guess I'll do it right next time. :huh:

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good grief, I do think that head is on upside down...


I am just used to those plasma coils being on top of the weapon all the time I guess, I didn't really notice.


Hmm... tried to pull it off to fix it, its on there permanently, guess I'll do it right next time. :huh:


I quite like it actually, it makes more sense aesthetically to me to have the coil on top. All three coils are thus on top!

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