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Forgefiend head


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So I was pretty annoyed by the non-plasma head for the forgefiend, so I sharpened my blades and started cutting. I'm so proud of the result that I just have to post it!




Much better than the standard... :P

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Never understood what on earth was wrong with the original forgefiend head. Looked quite predatorial to me.

Predatorial, but not especially daemonic. Not warped or weird or mutated. Looks more like a large beast with cybernetic implants and armor plating bolted on than an unholy fusion of flesh, machine, and the infinite horrors of the warp. It's not so much a 'this looks bad out of context' complaint, and more a 'this doesn't look like what it's supposed to be' complaint.

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Never understood what on earth was wrong with the original forgefiend head. Looked quite predatorial to me.

Predatorial, but not aespecially daemonic. Not warped or weird or mutated. Looks more like a large beast with cybernetic implants and armor plating bolted on then an unholy fusion of flesh, machine, and the infinite horrors of the warp. It's not so much a 'this looks bad out of context' complaint, and more a 'this doesn't look like what it's supposed to be' complaint.


It looks like what the Warpmsiths thought would be functional while still being animalistic enough to provoke fear in humans. I don`t get the "its not daemonic enough" complaint, and honestly feel it`s bizarre. That thing doesnt look natural to me. Burning eyes, dripping with toxic fumes, skeleton strenghtened by layers of plasteel. Eh, how does this look like normal warmachine?

If it had been "more" daemonic, it would likely no longer be a machine fused with a daemon beast, but just a daemon.

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The only reason why I didn't like it myself was the closed mouth and strange positioning of the tounge. The head looks fine in other regards...




Mind you, your conversion looks very good and originality is always nice. Sorry for not mentioning that in my response ^^

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That's awesome, was it particularly difficult?

Well, it demanded extreme precision and a stupidly sharp and thin blade. I used just the tip of a brand new blade on my modelling knife, anything thicker and the teeth would have been too damaged. I'm glad my gamble paid off, the risk was that I would have been sitting there with a damaged head...

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I'm planning to do something like this myself, except open it maybe even wider (think Trygon). Nice to see that it's not only possible, but also quite doable without a ton of facial resculpting. Cheers for posting :)
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