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Chosen of Abaddon


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Hey guys,


I was looking for your opninions on how best to represent the chosen of Abaddon; by this I mean his four chosen lords (his own version of the mournival); Devram Korda, Ygethmor the Deceiver, Urkrathos and Skyrak Slaughterborn.


It is mentioned that each of these four lords fulfils a duty relating to one of the chaos gods these are the lord ravager, lord deceiver, lord corruptor and lord purgator. There is also a picture of all four of them in the 3.5 dex


My question to you guys is whether anyone knows who has what role and who is who in the picture? As I want to try and model these guys and hopefully build an army around one of them.


Obviously I have some ideas myself such as Ygethmor being the lord deceiver and relating tzeentch, Devram is a devotee of slaneesh so possibly the lord corruptor?


Any help you guys could offer would be greatly appreciated.

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Ygethmor was Lord Deceiver until he got wiped out of the fluff after Medusa V for his failure. He probably wasn't long lived anyway if he was planning on going head-to-head with Zaraphiston. Obviously, being the only confirmed Sorcerer of the four, he's Tzeentch-y. He's the guy with the earrings and the blurriness around him in the pic.


Korda was Lord Ravager. He's been hiding in the woodwork lately but made an appearance in a Horus Heresy novel recently. He's big into Khorne and is the tall guy with the huge spike sticking out of his helmet.


Presuming Urkrathos is the pustulent one, he'd be Lord Corruptor. He's Nurglicious and slimy. He's the one who looks like his face is sloughing off.


That leaves Lord Purgator to Slaughterborn, who despite his name seems to be the Slaanesh representative. He's the guy with the metal facemask, super intricate shoulder pauldrons, and the horns on the right of the picture, clutching that nasty-looking glaive.


That being said, these guys have kind of fallen by the wayside since 3.5. I don't think GW wanted to go this road with Black Legion anymore so I don't see a reason to even have them around except as personal preference.

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The names are educated guesses (except Ygethmor), but they have an Apocalypse Formation on p55 of Apocalypse Reload, showing the following models and godly allegiances:


Lord Ravager - Khorne (Skyrak Slaughterborn)



Lord Deceiver - Tzeentch (Ygethmor the Deceiver)



Lord Corruptor - Nurgle (Urkathros)

(on the Datasheet he's shown painted green with Lightning Claws, and without the secnic base)



Lord Purgator - Slaanesh (Devram Korda)

(can't seem to find a picture on the internet, but he's the Flawless Host Chaos Lord on p67 of the 4th Edition Codex)

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actually, korda was the slaanesh worshipper


You appear to be correct. Sure seems big for a Slaanesh guy, not the usual aesthetic at all.


Agree completely with you here, seems a lot more khornate than slaneesh. A shame because he would of made agreat looking khornate lord.


Thanks a lot for all the help guys.

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