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They can work pretty decently as a retinue for a terminator Lord and only slightly more expensive than a kitted out terminator squad.


Take a terminator lord and a retinue of 3 mutilators, put them in a Land Raider and go to town.

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I am gonna run them this weekend and see how they work out. They are basically our version of assault terms.


Not sure exactly how I am going to apply them, but I am going to actually force everything into a list little by little to figure out what I can get to work and what I cant get to work.

I think the Mutilators are good at best (not great) and very poor at worst, though probably somewhere in between.


Will update ya with an battle report next weekend.

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I am gonna run them this weekend and see how they work out. They are basically our version of assault terms.


Not sure exactly how I am going to apply them, but I am going to actually force everything into a list little by little to figure out what I can get to work and what I cant get to work.

I think the Mutilators are good at best (not great) and very poor at worst, though probably somewhere in between.


Will update ya with an battle report next weekend.


Looking forward to it.


On paper, my guess is Noctus Cornix has it right. They're an alternative to decking out terminators as an assault unit. The main advantage I see is the 2 wounds, however to keep that advantage against TH/SS, you're forced to go with MoN to prevent the insta-kill. The forced weapon changes are annoying but there is almost always a redundant weapon option for the next turn (fist --> axes, or claws --> swords). Its only the mauls that seem somewhat outta place.

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I am gonna run them this weekend and see how they work out. They are basically our version of assault terms.


Not sure exactly how I am going to apply them, but I am going to actually force everything into a list little by little to figure out what I can get to work and what I cant get to work.

I think the Mutilators are good at best (not great) and very poor at worst, though probably somewhere in between.


Will update ya with an battle report next weekend.



Sweet man. Can't wait to read your battle report.



I'm just very puzzled, because terminators can be equipped with whatever melee weapons available for mutilators as well. They can also take goodies like combi-plasmas.



May the dark gods be with you!

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Well basically, my idea is to make a squad of 3 Mutilators, with the Mark of Nurgle as a Retinue for my counts as Typhus. Just a giant mob of multi-wound close combat monsters. Three attacks each with more survivability than your standard terminator plus you have the close combat flexibility of picking your weapons. Pack them into my possessed Land Raider and just send them forward to slaughter at whim.
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I am gonna run them this weekend and see how they work out. They are basically our version of assault terms.


Not sure exactly how I am going to apply them, but I am going to actually force everything into a list little by little to figure out what I can get to work and what I cant get to work.

I think the Mutilators are good at best (not great) and very poor at worst, though probably somewhere in between.


Will update ya with an battle report next weekend.



Sweet man. Can't wait to read your battle report.



I'm just very puzzled, because terminators can be equipped with whatever melee weapons available for mutilators as well. They can also take goodies like combi-plasmas.



May the dark gods be with you!


They have a few advantages, nothing insane but a few minor things that help a little.


Normal terms cannot get x2 CC weapons unless they drop everything for a pair of lightning claws. So off hand attacks with chainfists, power mauls (they do have their uses), power axes, ect ect. They seem to make a better retinue IMO than the normal Terms for a Lord, just feel like the synergy between the Mutis and the Lord are better for some reason.


Theory for now, we will see ;)

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At 70pts each could you really afford many more then that?


70 points each?


Even if you give them both veterans of the long war and mark of tzeentch (most expensive mark), they're 67 points.


Without any upgrades, they're 55 points a pop.

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Hey Noctus, hate to be the bearer of bad news. You have the points right, but unless I'm missing something, they only have two attacks. Sorry. :/

You are missing that all their weapon combination is defined as "a pair" of each of the weapons, thus giving them +1A for two weapons...

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Hey Noctus, hate to be the bearer of bad news. You have the points right, but unless I'm missing something, they only have two attacks. Sorry. :/


2 Base Attacks +1 for having two special weapons. So they do have 3 attacks.


So let's look at the basic statistics for a second.


Say for example, you buy yourself a 4 man squad of terminators to run with your lord in a Land Raider


4 wounds and 8 attacks in total at you base, unless you buy twin lightning claws which gives you twelve.


So, let's see if we take 3 mutilators. We have 6 wounds and 9 in total at base (and you can use these attacks as chainfists, lightning claws, whatever you want). Plus you wont lose two attacks each time you lose a wound. All in all, if you're going for a small close-knit bodyguard, Mutilators are the way to go.

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Hey Noctus, hate to be the bearer of bad news. You have the points right, but unless I'm missing something, they only have two attacks. Sorry. :/

You are missing that all their weapon combination is defined as "a pair" of each of the weapons, thus giving them +1A for two weapons...

I don't have a rulebook so I was unaware of this fact. Sorry.

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Interesting. I hadn't thought of using them as a retinue... I ran these in my first game, and they survived until the end but didn't do much damage (though to be fair they had a deep strike mishap and were placed in the corner to think about what they had done). I hadn't planned on trying them anytime soon until I saw this.


Still not using the GW models, though ;).

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Interesting. I hadn't thought of using them as a retinue... I ran these in my first game, and they survived until the end but didn't do much damage (though to be fair they had a deep strike mishap and were placed in the corner to think about what they had done). I hadn't planned on trying them anytime soon until I saw this.


Still not using the GW models, though ;).


Noctus Cornix to the rescue! Defending chaos since 4th edition. :P

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When you consider that a Terminator with a pair of Lightning Claws is 38 points & a Terminator with Chain Fist is 43 points you're only paying an extra 17 & 12 points respectively for an extra wound, +1 attack from having a pair of weapons, & the ability to change weapons to handle different threats. A unit of LC Terminators can't take out a Land Raider, which Mutilators can, so they're adaptable in that sense if things go 'wrong'. Whether that's cost effective is up to you.

Like most things they still get dicked by TH/SS Terminators & SnP sucks bad on a melee unit, so I see no need to take them. Plus the models are an absolute joke so it'd mean converting them from Terminators with Green Stuff = time!



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If i was going to try the Muties out i'd convert my from Obliterators.


Lop off the shooty arms at the elbow.

Make some close combat arms out of the many chainswords, powerfists, random CCWs and spiky bits from our Chaos bits boxes.


Finally i'd magnetise the arms i'd chopped off and the new close combat arms so i can swap at will between the OBLs and Muties.

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Plus the models are an absolute joke so it'd mean converting them from Terminators with Green Stuff = time!


I have some ideas for my own mutilators conversions, will share with fellow heretics:


1. inspired by Nihms Obliterator conversions, like weapons team, 2 marines on single base, one with big shield and power sword, second one with fist and claw (lots of them in Warp Talons box). So you have standard SM statline, 2 wounds, 2 attacks base, different weapons, and shield represents 2+ and 5++.


2. use Cataphractii terminators with Lamenters claws: http://www.anvilindustry.co.uk/index.php?r...;product_id=162, representing slow and purposeful, veterans, and really heavy claws that can be used differently depending on mastery level of bearer.

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I've considered using them too. I really really want to like them but....


I've even considered some ideas for modeling them as well. If I were to ever use mutilators I'd take my normal termies and some power fists and shave off the claw parts of the fists. Then I'd take spikes from the possessed sprue and make claws. I figure they'd look different enough from normal lightning claws that they could be used as the crazy morphing weapons.

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Overpriced and quite boring/bad rules.

Ugliest models GW has released in years.

Lame fluff.

Makes the internal balance in the codex even lower.


Theese guys don't even deseve a place on the shelf - they deserve to stay unassembled, still on their sprues in a sealed box at GWs warehouse, unbought and unloved.

There are very few scenarios, where terminators simply wouldn't be a better choice than Mutilators.

If Mutilators had A3 or WS5, fine, but now...not so much.


It also annoys me that they have Slow and Purposeful. Yes, the rule has no major impact on the game, but it just feels like lazy writing. Phil Kelly looked at Obliterators and saw "Oh theese guys are SnP (for a reason), and Mutilators look pretty much the same, I'll just give them SnP as well, ladidadida..." ;)


Yes, I hate Mutilators.

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Makes the internal balance in the codex even lower.


I think it would be absolutely awesome if codex authors were writing small comments of their ideas next to each unit. I think that maybe Kelly hoped to use them in some other manner than we can think about? If you remember thing about lash in previous codex, Cavatore said they never thought lash would be used at all, and it ended as single most popular base for roster building.

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