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I need help...

Noctus Cornix

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Ok, so with the dawn of the new chaos codex, I've been trying to get my unpainted chaos army, most of which is still in giant piles of bitz. I've been trying to figure out where I want to go with my army, back and forth between different legions, gods and all that fun jazz.


So I wanted to come to you, my brothers in arms, yo see what you thought.


This is one of my favorite models I've ever made. There's just something about his pose that just screams badass to me and I've never been able to replicate anything like him again.




So here's where my question comes up. What do you guys think he would look best in the colors of. It doesn't matter if he's undivided or dedicated to a god and it doesn't matter if its Legion, traitor chapter, or a Warband I'm open to all suggestions, I just want to know what you guys think he screams to you and why.


You can obviously just name out a paint scheme or a faction name, if you want to, but I'd really like to see what really comes to your mind when you see this guy.


So, if any of you are up for it, perhaps you could give him a name and a background of what you feel fits him the best. I'll be looking at these ideas in particular and if I find one I REALLY like, I will keep it in honor of you.


Thanks for your time and help brothers.... I owe you one...




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I gots some fluff, but no colors.


Bulsa, The Sin of Night

"He walked towards the group of Guardsmen. They cowered in terror before his might as he ripped off the head of the last of the Astartes defenders and held it towards them like a votive gift... Or maybe a malediction. This man - no, this monster - was a killer of giants. His visage stabbed into their souls and the fear of imminent death kept them from moving.


'Tell me mortals, which of you would like to die first?' His visor moved from one to the next, making each shiver in turn as they felt the intensity of his gaze.


'What's that? No volunteers? Guess I will have to pick one then.' Faster than sound - nay faster than light! - he threw the helmet, crushing one of the Guardsmen's skulls while at the same time whipping up his bolter and shooting three more.


The last survivor wet himself as he fell to his knees. 'You, little man, have been given a great honor! You will be the sole survivor of this wretched planet of filth. It is your duty to spread the deeds that have been wrought here as well as my name to your superiors along with a message: I'm coming for them!'"

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CAVEAT: this is all just "feeling"


He looks like a stone-cold killer as opposed to a raving maniac. So I'd leave out World Eaters. He's mutated, but not dripping with filth, so I'd leave out Death Guard. He'd need even more bling to make me think Emperor's Children. I don't think he's "wizard-y" enough to be 1k Sons.


So I'm thinking Undivided.


I don't think he says "Iron Warriors" to me. The mutations/spikey bits make me want to say Word Bearers, though he could easily be a Night Lord based on the previously mentioned "stone-cold killer" look. Black Legion could work, too, as well as Alpha Legion, though I think either Night Lord or Word Bearer fit his look more.


If I were voting, I'd vote Night Lord.

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Looks like a Word Bearer to me. Something about the baroque and corrupted look of his armor, the Chaos warrior helm that echoes a medieval crusader type that WB essentially are, and the tabard just screams WB to me. By the way I do agree that he is pretty amazing, the model has a sense of purpose and menace about it that really does it for me, good job. Oh as for names, just off the top of my head Uzuan the Unclean, Cyrax the Thrice-Damned, and Argoth the Endbringer. Epithets are fun!
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Word bearer, night lord, black legionnaire. In that order. My arguments why have already been listed. Do up the combat knife as a khantanka blade. Paint the loyalist helmet ultramarine blue. That and he won't be done justice if the ribs aren't painted actual bone colors, which I think looks best w/ the dark dark red of the word bearers.
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I'm not going to say a warband or legion name. I'm looking at the mini and there colors I think would look ace on him are a base of dark/charcoal gray with details/trims going from a dark blue to a very, very light blue. The helmet should be a pure white and horns should be classic bone. Add some gold or brass here and there to pick out details you want to accentuate.
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He seems like a murderous bastard who has a duty and carries it out with grim determination. He's the last of his original warband/company who has survived on luck and pure hate. His origins matter not, the past has been washed away with blood. But his failure to lead, his failure to grovel to the right people have left him at the bottom of whatever mongrel warband he now resides in. There he commands the unremarkable, the unstable and those who have fallen out of favor. A gatekeeper of the lost who now wears the colours of the black legion and everyday he murders, everyday he kills, everyday he still draws breath brings him closer to the ruination of the Imperium.


Death to the False Emperor!


So yeah Black Legion.

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First I though Night Lord. Taking trophies. But then it struck me....


Emperors Children!


I'm not talking Noise Marine in bright day glow glory but his own unique scheme. Pastels and rich metals. Freshly removed flesh loin cloth. About to taste his foes fears in his blood while others flee.

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For the reasons above, WB or BL. I think of the two, I'd maybe go BL. His pose feels very calm and collected, which doesn't fit as well with WB fanaticism. He looks like a brutal, bitter, yet utterly composed, killer.
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Hrm. Not diseased enough for death guard, not zealous enough for Word Bearers, and not elegant enough for emperor's children. He looks too mutated for the Iron Warriors, too stoic for the world eaters, too ponderous for the night lords, too implacable for the Alpha Legion, too brutal for the Thousand sons, and too archaic for any brand of post heresy renegades.


This right here is a member of the black legion if ever I've seen one. Not just a post Eye convert, either, but one of the original Sons of Horus. A cold, menacing warrior driven not by frothing madness or zealous idolatry but by ten thousand years of hatred & war. That, and the Black Legion's grim, sombre color scheme will perfectly compliment this model's personality & best features.

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For the reasons above, WB or BL. I think of the two, I'd maybe go BL. His pose feels very calm and collected, which doesn't fit as well with WB fanaticism. He looks like a brutal, bitter, yet utterly composed, killer.


I have to agree with this. I see him as cool and calculating. A leader of men by virtue of presence and thought. His trophies look like he is trying to purposefully invoke hesitant fear, not to show off. I think BL or another undivided warband.


(Also what is that chest piece? makes me think nid warrior. I like it)

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Bulsa, The Sin of Night

"He walked towards the group of Guardsmen. They cowered in terror before his might as he ripped off the head of the last of the Astartes defenders and held it towards them like a votive gift... Or maybe a malediction. This man - no, this monster - was a killer of giants. His visage stabbed into their souls and the fear of imminent death kept them from moving.


'Tell me mortals, which of you would like to die first?' His visor moved from one to the next, making each shiver in turn as they felt the intensity of his gaze.


'What's that? No volunteers? Guess I will have to pick one then.' Faster than sound - nay faster than light! - he threw the helmet, crushing one of the Guardsmen's skulls while at the same time whipping up his bolter and shooting three more.


The last survivor wet himself as he fell to his knees. 'You, little man, have been given a great honor! You will be the sole survivor of this wretched planet of filth. It is your duty to spread the deeds that have been wrought here as well as my name to your superiors along with a message: I'm coming for them!'"


First off, you are awesome. Seriously, this is great.


Second, I will also cast my vote for Word Bearer. Make it an Ultramarine helm and you have a winner.




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