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I need help...

Noctus Cornix

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Lots of Word Bearers and Night Lords suggestions coming up. Originally this fine fellow was intended to be a Night Lord, if I'm totally honest.


Black Legion is catching up fast, a legion that has slowly but surely been been warming up to me.


Keep it coming, guys, i love to hear your feedback. :)

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So to get something else behind the WB side here's a short uh thing with him being a WB :)


Argoth ducked low as another mass-reactive bolt struck the column of ironwood next to him. The enemy was close now, the dancing runes of his autosenses telling a range of 300 meters to the Ultramarine position, a span of but a few moments for a springing astartes but as any warrior knew, moments were all that was needed to see one dead. As if to underscore his point, Argoth watched as one of his warriors broke from behind the cover of a massive ironwood tree only to be struck by a disciplined fusillade, his breastplate rent by bolter fire, his life rapidly ebbing into the leaf covered soil.


Smiling sourly, Argoth opened the vox channel to his sorceror.


"Is it prepared brother? Has sufficient blood been spilled to sate our primordial guests?"




Looking up, Argoth's smile turned into an open grin, his fanged maw spreading wide behind the blank mask of his helmet as the very world rebelled against his foe and the Letters of Blood spilled into the ordered ranks of the Ultramarines. Raising his crackling fist and opening a vox to all squads Argoth roared with renewed fury.


"Death to the False Emperor! Slaughter them all!"

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This right here is a member of the black legion if ever I've seen one. Not just a post Eye convert, either, but one of the original Sons of Horus. A cold, menacing warrior driven not by frothing madness or zealous idolatry but by ten thousand years of hatred & war. That, and the Black Legion's grim, sombre color scheme will perfectly compliment this model's personality & best features.

Damn straight. How he introspectively holds the head of his fallen enemy screams 'slow-burning hatred.' This is a being that isn't interested in scaring you, or giving praise to the Dark Gods. He simply wants to tear down and destroy everything that you hold dear.

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I have to agree that when looking at this (rather awesome) model my mind just screamed "Word Bearer" ... though after reading malisteen's comment, Black Legion works too. Still leaning towards Word Bearers though, not as a lord, just a simple champion (I think it's the bolter which gives the impression he's of a lower rank but still favoured) or even chosen. If you're using the DV chosen as actual chosen he'd fit right in, if you're using them as champions (which is what I'm doing) it'll give the vibe that your units are being led by some truely brutal individuals.
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