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More reasons to ally Space Wolves


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Death Company riding Baalite Fire Scorpions.


That is a stupidly awesome idea. Consider it stolen if I ever decide to try Thunderwolves. Original idea and fits our fluff. :thumbsup:

Yea were clearly not around when rumors surrounding baal scorp riders/batriders arose <_<

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Snorri--Not so much the riding part, just the scorpion as opposed to bat-riding angle. Everyone trots out the bat jokes, but there's nothing in BA fluff to work with.


I was around for the bat-riding speculation, but I must have missed where anyone suggested scorpions. *shrug*

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Snorri--Not so much the riding part, just the scorpion as opposed to bat-riding angle. Everyone trots out the bat jokes, but there's nothing in BA fluff to work with.


I was around for the bat-riding speculation, but I must have missed where anyone suggested scorpions. *shrug*


Phew, just thought there was a page of fluff that has passed me unnoticed in the past...luckily, it didn't!


Nah, scorpion riders? BA have enough bling to make up for riding silly, oversized incarnations of our background. Wolves don't, so...<_<





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I knocked up some quick tactical marines. . .

:D I couldn't read the rest of your post after this line. lol. Maybe this phrase is more innocuous in the UK than here in the 'States. ;)


On the topic of using Fenrisian Wolves as a screen, I'm not so sure that'd be a great use of points. Despite them being cheap, I'd think that an equivalent points investment in more FNP assault marines would actually be a more durable screen with a FAR better save and much better Leadership for when you start taking those morale checks due to taking casualties. The larger bases of the Fenresians would be helpful for bubble wrapping things and protecting things from assault, but I don't see how they'd help to screen from shooting that well. I'm not saying that its a terrible idea, but I have my doubts and I'd definitely be interested if someone did some testing.


Thunderwolves on the other hand, definitely have a lot of synergy with a jump-heavy BA list by adding more tough, mobile assaulty-ness to the force. Combine with a Rune Priest with a Jump pack, and either Divination powers or typical SW fare and you've got a very nasty addition --at least from a competitive perspective.


Ha ha, I'm also laughing at the idea of placing a Wolf Lord with twin Wolf Claws and Saga of the Warrior Born in a unit with a BA Librarian with Might of Heroes --or does MoH only work on BA units? The idea of a Wolf Lord with up to 9 attacks that reroll hits or wounds on the charge and even more attacks in any subsequent rounds of combat is just a hilarious notion--if a bit expensive and likely not optimal. It's like a mini blood taloned Furioso! :lol:

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I'm probably one of the few, but I really like the whole concept of Thunderwolf Cavalry. The fluff is fine (don't be precious about it, this is Space Fantasy Vikings we're talking about), the rules are nicely balanced and the eventual models are great, bar Canis obviously :o
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