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Hmm, sounds like you should try getting 2 Chaos Land Raiders, 2 relativly large squads of Plague Marines (put them in the Raiders) and then as many bikers as you can afford with a nurgle lord in and maybe a nurgle sorcerer. Probably close to 1500 then.


Thats hard and fast and probably viable I guess. Relativly few models though, so weaknesses are also abound. Think its Plague Spear they call such lists, though not really sure (others likely know).

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there are no heavy and fast units in the chaos dex.


armies under 2k looks like this


sorc/lord/huron pick 2 or 1 tyfus/ahriman


3csm squads 2 plasma power weapon

1 cultists bubble wrap with flamers

2xunits of hvy support , most of the time havocks

aegis , just like everyone is not runing bastion

if biker lord then bikes . if jugger lord then bikes . if no biker lord still 3 man bikes with meltaguns for anti tank . unit number scaled up , the more points are played . so 1 for 1500 , 2 for 1750 and up etc.

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there are no heavy and fast units in the chaos dex.


armies under 2k looks like this


sorc/lord/huron pick 2 or 1 tyfus/ahriman


3csm squads 2 plasma power weapon

1 cultists bubble wrap with flamers

2xunits of hvy support , most of the time havocks

aegis , just like everyone is not runing bastion

if biker lord then bikes . if jugger lord then bikes . if no biker lord still 3 man bikes with meltaguns for anti tank . unit number scaled up , the more points are played . so 1 for 1500 , 2 for 1750 and up etc.


Thats a pretty limited view of armies under 2k' the beauty if this codex is that there are so many options, many of which are equally good. for example, bikes could be replaced with spawn, or raptors, you could take extra cultists, you don't need an aegis, and you can get by without csm, because you can replace them with any of the cult troops.

I'm not just trying to list all the options in our codex, but the ones that could build a list equally competitive to the ones you posted.

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there are no heavy and fast units in the chaos dex.


armies under 2k looks like this


sorc/lord/huron pick 2 or 1 tyfus/ahriman


3csm squads 2 plasma power weapon

1 cultists bubble wrap with flamers

2xunits of hvy support , most of the time havocks

aegis , just like everyone is not runing bastion

if biker lord then bikes . if jugger lord then bikes . if no biker lord still 3 man bikes with meltaguns for anti tank . unit number scaled up , the more points are played . so 1 for 1500 , 2 for 1750 and up etc.


Thats a pretty limited view of armies under 2k' the beauty if this codex is that there are so many options, many of which are equally good. for example, bikes could be replaced with spawn, or raptors, you could take extra cultists, you don't need an aegis, and you can get by without csm, because you can replace them with any of the cult troops.

I'm not just trying to list all the options in our codex, but the ones that could build a list equally competitive to the ones you posted.

Yes and No. It's a little simplistic, definitely, but you'll find most lists will kind of fall into this pattern. It's close to mine (despite mine being an update of my standard list from a good number of years and 2 Codices), although I still have Termi Combi-Spam, LoS blocking Rhino's and Plague Marines. Even as I mix it up, I end up not straying too far from this because it's a good template.

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for example, bikes could be replaced with spawn, or raptors, you could take extra cultists, you don't need an aegis, and you can get by without csm, because you can replace them with any of the cult troops.

I go one by one. how do spawn help with anti av13-14 which chaos lists need so much ? how can raptors be better then bikes when bikes are both faster , cheaper and have t5 . the part about "no aegis" again false . we have no flyers worth taking [unless we ally stuff in, but mammer wasnt asking questions about that] and even if we somehow did they are outnumbered , work only in melee range[against flyers] , flamer is the better option , so we dont have the single gun . if we take the single gun its still bs 3 , so will struggle against anythin that isnt av11. you cant replace csm in optimal builds with any cult . because 2/3 of the cults cant run plasma guns . why zerkers/1ksons/NM are problematc in use[to say the least] was already covered by many posters . this leaves pms and while yes if plasma were the only thing we looked in a troop unit , they would be good enough[like they were in 5th] , but things changed and 5 dudes naked with 2 plasma guns cant be a base of a chaos army. they can be a camper , but that is more or less it . Ah and let us not forget another important factor to take them as troops we are taking a nurgle lord . now he is a good tank character[mace +bike with t6] , but he defense was never the way to go in w40k , if one wants an optimal army. this means he does get outshined by a khorn lord . What means no pms or a dual lord build and then no sorc , no huron and suddenly we are trying to run a rhino wall list in 6th ed and wonder why it doesnt work against 6th ed builds .

is it worth taking a winged daemon prince with squads of csm with squad of bikes with a forgefiend and a defiler and a helldrake

in the same list ? no . but a DP can find a place in a chaos space marines/chaos demons army , which is a variation of the 5 flyers armies demons have . list is less random , there is 1 less flyers , but troops are tougher and have plasma.

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